A simple webpack plugin that generate version and commit info during build
This plugin will generate a version.json
file and add build information that contains build time、project name, version、branch、commit id、commit msg and so on into index.html
head meta when webpack the current repository on a local git repository.
install it as a local development dependency:
npm install @east0422/webpack-git-version-plugin -D
Then, simply configure it as a plugin in the webpack config vue.config.js
const WebpackGitVersionPlugin = require('@east0422/webpack-git-version-plugin');
module.exports = {
configureWebpack: config => {
config.plugins.push(new WebpackGitVersionPlugin())
This will generate a file version.json
"projectName": "xxx",
"projectVersion": "xxx",
"branchName": "xxx",
"commitId": "xxx",
"commitAuthor": "xxx",
"commitEmail": "xxx",
"commitTime": "xxx",
"commitMsg": "xxx",
"buildTime": "xxx",
"buildUserName": "xxx",
"buildUserEmail": "xxx"
and add meta into head index.html
<meta name="pkgInfo" content="buildTime:xxx version:xxx project:xxx branch:xxx commit:xxx">
<meta name="revised" content="buildUser:xxx buildEmail:xxx commitTime:xxx commitMsg:xxx commitAuthor:xxx commitEmail:xxx">
The plugin requires no configuration by default, but it is possible to configure it to support custom build info.
isBuildFile: true
whether or not generate a version.json
file in output directory, default true.
outputFile: version.json
generate file name, default version.json
indexFileName: index.html
add meta info into file name, default index.html
replaceMeta: <meta name="buildversion">
the placeholder for replace real build info in indexFileName, default <meta name="buildversion">
hiddenHead: false
whether or not hidden build info in head, default false.
hiddenProjectName: false
whether or not hidden project name in head, default false.
hiddenProjectVersion: false
whether or not hidden project version in head, default false.
hiddenBranchName: false
whether or not hidden current branch name in head, default false.
hiddenCommitId: false
whether or not hidden current commit id in head, default false.
hiddenBuildTime: false
whether or not hidden current build time in head, default false.
hiddenCommitAuthor: false
whether or not hidden current commit author in head, default false.
hiddenCommitEmail: false
whether or not hidden current commit email in head, default false.
hiddenCommitTime: false
whether or not hidden current commit time in head, default false.
hiddenCommitMsg: false
whether or not hidden current commit message in head, default false.
hiddenBuildUserName: false
whether or not hidden current commit user in head, default false.
hiddenBuildUserEmail: false
whether or not hidden build user email in head, default false.