UI components, actions, and services for app assembling
UI components, actions, and services for app assembling
Svelte Actions
Click any HTML element to copy its contents. Works on regular elements as well as input elements.
Regular element example:
This will copy the text within the element with the clickToCopy action after it has been clicked
import { clickToCopy } from "@dztek/ui/lib/actions/click-to-copy";
<div use:clickToCopy>
Something to copy
Button example:
This will copy the text inside the bound target elment to clipboard when the element with the clickToCopy action is clicked
import { clickToCopy } from "@dztek/ui/lib/actions/click-to-copy";
let el;
<div bind:this={el}>
To be copied on button press!
<button use:clickToCopy={el}>
Copy to clipboard
Text example:
This will copy provided text to clipboard when the element with the clickToCopy action is clicked
import { clickToCopy } from "@dztek/ui/lib/actions/click-to-copy";
const text = "Some text to copy";
<button use:clickToCopy={text}>
Copy to clipboard