Documents component
Documents Component
- hide-add-button: Boolean, hide add button
- department: Boolean, set if documents are separated by departments
- enable-keywords: Boolean, set if documents can have keywords
- getter-name: String, vuex getter used to get list of douments
- fetch-action: String, vuex action used to fetch douments and save to store
- delete-action: String, vuex action to delete a document
- folder-getter-name: String, vuex getter used to get list of folder names, or a dictionary with departments and their folders
- folder-fetch-action: String, vuex action used to fetch a list of folder names, or a dictionary with departments and their folder names. Saves the data to the store
- upload-progress-getter-name: String, vuex getter to get upload progress, expected to be callable with id
- upload-progress-commit-name: String, vuex mutation to set upload progress, expected payload {id: id, value: value}
- upload-action: String, vuex action used to save a document. Expected to return a promise
- documenturl-getter-name: String, vuex getter used to get document file url, expected to be callable with id and attachment name
- folder-expanded-icon: Imported image
- folder-collapsed-icon: Imported image
- folder-icon: Imported image
- file-icon: Imported image
- next-icon: Imported image
- cancel-icon: Imported image
- ok-icon: Imported image
- delete-icon: Imported image
- checkbox-checked-icon: Imported image
- checkbox-unchecked-icon: Imported image
Project setup
yarn install
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
yarn run serve
Compiles and minifies for production
yarn run build
Lints and fixes files
yarn run lint