1. Circles in API 2. Topics in API 3. Convert team to circle in AlleOS (API) 4. Create circle in AlleOS (plugin) 5. Create topic in circle (plugin) 6. All steps of topic in cirlce (plugin) 7. ...
did-api PRIO TODO
- Circles in API
- Topics in API
- Convert team to circle in AlleOS (API)
- Create circle in AlleOS (plugin)
- Create topic in circle (plugin)
- All steps of topic in cirlce (plugin)
- ...
TODO: Figure out how to handle people invited by email address
did-api endpoints/docs
Authentication is performed with the Basic Authentication Scheme (RFC2617 Section 2).
refers to the id
provided upon user creation, and password
refers to the token returned from user creation.
The header Authorization: Basic {base64(id:token)}
is sent as authentication.
That is, a string constructed of the id, the character :
, then the token, all encoded as base 64.
Data structures
The primary user data is kept in AlleOS for now. These Users-endpoints are used to retrieve and create new user entries in this system, basically registering that they exist, rather than creating full profiles.
get current user
GET /user
Authorization: Basic `base64(id:token)`
Will return:
userId: {userId},
name: {name}
Creating a user returns an auth token that can be used to act as the user in the system.
Users can be retrieved when authenticated as a user or when authenticated as the integrating brand itself.
GET /users
will return:
200 OK
"users": [
"userId": {userId},
"name": {name}
get current user
To retrieve information about the authenticated user:
GET /user
Authorization: Basic `base64(id:token)`
Will return:
userId: {userId},
name: {name}
todo: Requires brand authentication
Creating single user:
POST /users
"userId": {userId},
"name": {name}
Will return:
"status": "User created",
"user": {
"token": {64 char token},
"userId": {userId},
"name": {name}
Creating multiple users:
POST /users
"userId": {userId},
"name": {name}
Will return:
200 OK
"status": "Users created",
"users": [
"token": {64 char token},
"userId": {userId},
"name": {name}
Circles are groups of users that interact in a sociocratic manner. These endpoints require user authentication.
#TODO: add/remove member
#TODO: accept/reject membership
#TODO: When a circle is created some standard roles are also defined.
#TODO: Procedures (strings) should also be settable on the circle.
#TODO: I am dissatisfied with the name fullState
. --- Niels A
Creating a circle:
POST /circles
Authorization: Basic `base64(id:token)`
"name": {nonempty string},
"vision": {string},
"mission": {string},
"aim": {string},
"fullState": {fullState:lookingForMore|openForMore|full},
"invited": [{userId}, ...]
Will return:
"status": "Circle created",
"circle": {
"circleId": {uuid},
"name": {name},
"vision": {vision},
"mission": {mission},
"aim": {aim},
"expectationsForMembers": [],
"members": [{userId}],
"invited": [{userId}, ...]
"contactPerson": {userId},
"fullState": "lookingForMore"
Note: contact person starts as the creating user and as the sole member.
Only id OR email is present.
For members that are in invitationState member
the id
is present, not the email
PUT /circles/:circleId
"name": {nonempty string},
"vision": {string},
"mission": {string},
"aim": {string},
"contactPerson": {userId},
"fullState": {fullState:lookingForMore|openForMore|full}
Fields left out (in Javascript, undefined
) are not updated.
To unset a value, the field must be explicitly set to null
get all circles
Viewing all circles:
GET /circles
Authorization: Basic `base64(id:token)`
will return:
200 OK
"circles": [
"circleId": {circleId},
"name": {nonempty string},
"vision": {string},
"mission": {string},
"aim": {string},
"expectationsForMembers": {expectationsForMembers},
"members": [{userId}, ...],
"invited": [{userId}, ...]
"contactPerson": {userId},
"fullState": {fullState:lookingForMore|openForMore|full}
If called with either of the flags onlyInvitedTo
and onlyMemberOf
, the results will be limited. Eg.:
GET /circles?onlyMemberOf
Authorization: Basic `base64(id:token)`
.. will result only in circles the authenticated user is member of.
get a circle
Viewing a circle:
GET /circles/:circleId
Authorization: Basic `base64(id:token)`
will return:
200 OK
"circle": {
"circleId": {uuid},
"name": {name},
"vision": {vision},
"mission": {mission},
"aim": {aim},
"expectationsForMembers": [],
"members": [{userId}, ...],
"invited": [{userId}, ...]
"contactPerson": {userId},
"fullState": "lookingForMore"
delete a circle
Deleting a circle:
DELETE /circles/:circleId
Authorization: Basic `base64(id:token)`
will return:
204 OK
Invite a member
A member can be invited:
POST /circles/:circleId/members
Authorization: Basic `base64(id:token)`
userId: {userId}
this will result in:
Accept invitation
A member can accept a pending invitation. Only the member who was invited can accept.
POST /circles/:circleId/members/accept
Authorization: Basic `base64(id:token)`
this will result in:
Remove user
A member can be removed by:
DELETE /circles/:circleId/members/:userId
Authorization: Basic `base64(id:token)`
this will result in:
If the user is only invited and not a member, it will also be removed.
Role (TODO)
A role is a specification of responsibility held by a member of a group. (Right after creation a role may be without a person tied to it.)
These endpoints require user authentication.
Any member of a role can create, edit, update roles.
get (TODO)
GET /circle/{id}/roles
will result in:
200 OK
"roles": [
"id": {roleId},
"person": {userId},
"effects": [
"term": {
"start": {termStartDate},
"end": {termEndDate}
"areaOfResponsibility": {string},
"desiredCharacteristics": {string},
"previousRoleOwners": [
"id": {id},
"term": {
"start": {termStartDate},
"end": {termEndDate}
"evaluations": [
"date": {date},
"content": {string}
"elections": [
"nominations": [
"nominator": {userId},
"nominee": {userId},
"changeRoundNominee": {userId}
"electee": {userId},
"summary": {string},
"term": {
"start": {termStartDate},
"end": {termEndDate}
The effects
tied to a role have an effect on what happens to the holder of the role.
The only two effects are listed right now.
Close to the end of a term (standard 1 month, maybe we should make this modifiable?) the roles with notifiedOfUpcomingDeadlines
are sent an email notifying them.
Todo: Request evaluation of role.
Todo: Submit evaluation
Todo: Start/finish election.
Current person is updated once the next term starts.
OR maybe we don't need to show the current person
at all?
It is a derived field (from elections
create (TODO)
Todo: ...
edit (TODO)
Todo: ...
Tasks (TODO)
Tasks are work units that have been agreed upon in a circle.
Todo: They may be tied to circles, topics or agreements.
get (TODO)
GET /circle/{id}/tasks
results in
200 OK
"tasks": [
"title": {string},
"owner": {userId},
"dueDate": {date},
"description": {string},
"aim": {string},
"status": {status:behindSchedule|onSchedule|aheadOfSchedule},
"attachments": [
{ objectStoredAttachment }
When a dueDate
is coming up (default 1 month before), roles with notifiedOfUpcomingDeadlines
receive an email on this.
Todo: attachments
create (TODO)
update (TODO)
Topics (TODO)
GET /circles/{id}/topics
results in
200 OK
"topics": [
"topicId": {string},
"canonicalTopicId": {circleId}-{topicId},
"title": {string},
"owner": {userId},
"why": {string},
"presentAtDecisionMaking": [ {id}, ... ],
"attachments": [
{ objectStoredAttachment },
"comments": [
"owner": {userId},
"content": {string},
"timestamp": {timestamp}
"stage": {stage:exploration|pictureForming|proposalShaping|decisionMaking|agreement},
"finalProposals": [
"id": {proposalId},
"responsible": {userId},
"title": {string},
"aim": {string},
"term": {
"termStartDate": {termStartDate},
"termEndDate": {termEndDate}
"attachments": [
{ objectStoredAttachment },
"relatedAgreement": {relatedAgreementId}
Todo: request adding to agenda notifies facilitator
Final proposals are entered in the proposal shaping stage (null before), and locked after.
If everybody agrees on a proposal (action button), an agreement is created.
If the proposal is subsequently changed, the agreement should be deleted.
Once the proposals have all been agreed to, the topic is archived and cannot be changed again.
When not everybody agrees on a proposal, a help text is shown. There is also an option to go back to the picture forming stage (all the data is kept).
In the agreement stage, a summary of all the stage decisions is shown.
The members present at decision making are entered in the decision making stage.
create (TODO)
update (TODO)
Agreements (TODO)
GET /circles/{id}/agreements
would return
200 OK
"agreements": [
"title": {string},
"description": {string},
"presentAtDecisionMaking": [ {userId}, ... ],
"missingAtDecisionMaking": [
"id": {userId},
"state": {state:missing|approved|complained},
"complaint": {string}
"term": {
"start": {termStartDate},
"end": {termEndDate}
"notes": {string}
The members missing are automatically calculated from the members in the circle at the time. The missing members can later approve of the agreement, or complain (with a written reason), which notifies the facilitator (TODO).
Todo: missing member complains
Todo: notify facilitator to put on agenda
Todo: when end date nears, bring on agenda (notify facilitator)
create (TODO)
update (TODO)
- Deleting things needs to be supported
- Default creations should be listed in documentation and supported in functionality. Eg.:
- Which roles are created per default in a circle? What effects are tied to them?
- What are the default texts set in roles, circles, etc. on creation?
These points on the TODO are deliberately deferred for now.
- Circle: wants to interact with other circles?
- Task: create clone
- Task: subscription (add self as subscriber or unsubscribe; get updates on change)
- Topic/Agreement: create linked task (see OPEN_DESIGN_DECISIONS.md for more)
- Overview boards (see OPEN_DESIGN_DECISIONS.md for more)
- Field with "expected time to spend on this item" for each of the items (tasks, topics, agreements), used when creating an agenda.