C# Analysis tool
Honeydew is a tool that extracts facts using static code analysis from DotNet Solutions that contain C# and Visual Basic Projects.
For extracting information about a solution or project use the following command:
.\Honeydew extract <input_path> [-n|--project-name <name>] [--no-progress-bars] [--no-trim-paths] [-p|--parallel]
If input_path
is a path to a solution file (.sln), Honeydew will extract facts from that solution file
If input_path
is a path to a project file (.csproj or .vbproj), Honeydew will extract facts from that project
If input_path
is a path to a folder, Honeydew will find all the solution files and project files and extract facts
from those
The output files will be placed in a folder named results
The flag must be followed by a string. This flag is used to set the project name. If not present, the project name will be deduced from the
. The project name is used to name the output files--no-progress-bars
If present, then all the messages will be printed in the console. Otherwise, output will contain progress bars for a better visualisation of the progress
If present, Honeydew will not trim the File Paths present in the created model
If present, Honeydew will make the extraction in parallel where possible
Load Model from file
For loading a model from a json file
.\Honeydew load <path_to_json_model> [-n|--project-name <name>] [--no-progress-bars] [-p|--parallel]
The flag must be followed by a string. This flag is used to set the project name. If not present, the project name will be deduced from the
. The project name is used to name the output files--no-progress-bars
If present, then all the messages will be printed in the console. Otherwise, output will contain progress bars for a better visualisation of the progress
If present, Honeydew will run scripts in parallel where possible
This command is used to adapt a raw model file from version 2.1.x to version 3.x.x. It will create a new file in the results folder with the raw model adapted to the new version.
.\Honeydew adapt <input_path>
Honeydew can be run from a Docker container like this:
Linux / MacOs
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/results:/app/results -v $(pwd)/<input>:<input> dxworks/honeydew extract <input> -p
docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}/results:/app/results -v ${PWD}/<input>:<input> dxworks/honeydew extract <input> -p
dotnet pack -c Release -o pack -p:PackageVersion=1.0.0
Create new version of DxWorks.ScriptBee.Plugins.Honeydew
dotnet build .\DxWorks.ScriptBee.Plugins.Honeydew\DxWorks.ScriptBee.Plugins.Honeydew.csproj -c Release
nuget pack .\DxWorks.ScriptBee.Plugins.Honeydew\DxWorks.ScriptBee.Plugins.Honeydew.csproj.nuspec -OutputDirectory pack -Version 3.0.0 -Properties Configuration=Release
Build Project
Self-contained application - Single-file app
For Windows 64-bit
dotnet publish -r win-x64 --self-contained true -p:PublishSingleFile=true
For Linux 64-bit
dotnet publish -r linux-x64 --self-contained true -p:PublishSingleFile=true
For macOs 64-bit
dotnet publish -r osx-x64 --self-contained true -p:PublishSingleFile=true
Self-contained application
For Windows 64-bit
dotnet publish -r win-x64
For Linux 64-bit
dotnet publish -r linux-x64
For macOS 64-bit
dotnet publish -r osx-x64
End to End Test
This test consists of running Honeydew on a test project located at https://github.com/dxworks/HoneydewTestProject
To pass the test, the resulted files after the extraction must be identical to the files located in the 'e2e_results'
The test files are generated by running Honeydew locally and updating the 'e2e_results' folder content
Update 'e2e_results' Folder
There are several helper scripts located in 'e2e_scripts' folder to copy the files generated by the local extraction of the test project, to the 'e2e_results' folder
For Windows
.\prepare_e2e.bat <source_results_folder> [destination_folder]
if destination_folder
is not provided, the destination folder will be ..\e2e_results
For Linux and macOS
./prepare_e2e.sh <source_results_folder> [destination_folder]
if destination_folder
is not provided, the destination folder will be ../e2e_results