Check if your commit messages start with a JIRA ticket identifier and a type.
Commitlint Jira Type | Plugin
Commitlint plugin to check if your commit messages start with a a JIRA ticket identifier and a type.
Accepts commit messages like:
PROJECT-1/feat: implemented a new message handler
KEY-729/fix: removed erroneous handling of a key
Getting Started
If you want to lint your commits with jira-type, follow along:
- Install Commitlint, Husky and the jira-type dependencies
npm i @commitlint/cli husky @dwmt/commitlint-plugin-jira-type @dwmt/commitlint-config-jira-type -D
- Configure commitlint
// commitlint.config.js module.exports = { plugins: ['@dwmt/commitlint-plugin-jira-type'], extends: ['@dwmt/commitlint-config-jira-type'], }
- Setup Husky: to lint commits before they are created you can use Husky's
hookmkdir .husky npx husky add .husky/commit-msg "npx --no-install commitlint --edit $1"
You can find detailed instructions regarding the local setup of Commitlint and Husky at Commitlint Local Setup.
Further Information
Please see the README of the parent monorepo.