Parse messages from the Gmail API into a usable, MIME-decoded JSON format
Loosely based on the very popular Nodemailer, gmailer parses messages from the Gmail API into a far more usable MIME-decoded JSON format. It's Gmail API integration agnostic and only needs an individual message object to run. This is huge speed boost over using Nodemailer to parse 'raw' messages from the Gmail API, and instead uses a Node tree to traverse the Gmail generated message payload, headers, and attachments.
It's synchronous, typed, and extracts both plaintext and html (cleaned by DOMPurify) where possible. Gmailer also supports inline message attachments (with CIDs) & downloadable attachments which can be retrieved with a secondary call to the Gmail API
subject: string;
date: Date;
from: Address[];
to: Address[];
cc: Address[];
bcc: Address[];
replyTo?: Address[] | undefined;
body: EmailBody;
threadId: string;
messageId: string;
drafts?: EmailDraft[] | undefined;
attachments?: Attachment[] | undefined;
Use by calling the buildEmail
function with a Gmail message object.
import { buildEmail, Email } from "@dubdubdublabs/gmailer"
import { google, gmail_v1 } from "googleapis"
async function retrieveDecodedEmail(threadId){
//initialize gmail library
const oauth2Client = new google.auth.OAuth2();
access_token: YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN,
gmail = google.gmail({ version: "v1", auth: oauth2Client });
//get the full message list for a given thread id
const res: GaxiosResponse<Thread> = await gmail.users.threads.get({
userId: "me",
id: threadId,
format: "full",
//declare a return array
let parsedThread: Email[] = []
//iterate over each message in the thread and run the parsing function
for (let messageItem of res.data.messages) {
return parsedThread