Transition plugin for vue router next
✨ Configurable and native-like page transition for Vue3 and vue-router-next
Code Demo
Why :question:
Light weight: Only one component added and optional pre-built css
Configurable: Easily config different transition for EACH route. Support reverse transition to make your app animation look like native.
Easy to use: Just need to install the package and add some configs to use. Easily integrate with other css library like Animate.css
Install :coffee:
Note: The plugin only support for Vue3+ and Vue Router Next (vue-router^4)
npm i @duannx/vue-router-transition
yarn add @duannx/vue-router-transition
Usage :rocket:
Import the plugin on your main.js
// src/main.js
import VueRouterTransition from '@duannx/vue-router-transition'
// Optional. Import css file if you want to use built in css
import '@duannx/vue-router-transition/dist/style.css'
Replace your router-view
with RouterViewTransition
<!-- App.vue -->
<RouterViewTransition :route-key="route.path"/>
Add config to your routes list
// routes.js
export default [
path: '/',
name: 'home',
component: Home,
meta: { // the plugin will use meta.transitons of your route
transitions: {
priority: 3, // smaller number - higher priority
enter: 'fade', // transition when navigate to this route
leave: 'fade' // transition when navigate from this route
path: '/collection/:id',
component: Collection,
name: 'collection',
meta: {
transitions: {
priority: 2,
enter: {
name: '', // optional. It will render to {{name}}-enter-to {{name}}-enter-from {{name}}-leave-to {{name}}-leave-from
enterClass: 'animate__animated animate__rollIn', // integrate with animate.css.
leaveClass: ''
leave: {
enterClass: '',
leaveClass: 'animate__animated animate__rollOut'
path: '/product/:id',
component: Product,
name: 'product',
meta: {
transitions: {
priority: 1,
enter: 'slide-right',
leave: 'slide-right-reverse',
selfEnter: 'fade', // use selfEnter to define transition when redirect to the same route which has the same name or transitionID.
transitionID: 'product-route' // id that define which routes is the same and use selfEnter transition
List of available transitions
- fade
- slide-left
- slide-right
- slide-up
- sldie-down
- zoom-in
- More comming soon...
You can easily add your custom transition by providing a name and styling for it. This plugin is built on top of Vue3 Transition. Strong recommend to read Vue3 Transition before customizing the plugin. The classes to add style are: yourClassName-enter-from, yourClassName-enter-to, yourClassName-enter-active, yourClassName-leave-from, yourClassName-leave-to, yourClassName-leave-active
props: {
* Default class added when the transition active for all type of transitions
defaultClassTransition: {
type: String,
required: false,
default: "transition-active"
// Class add to body when enter transition active
bodyClassEnterTransitonActive: {
type: String,
required: false,
default: "body-enter-transition-active",
// Class add to body when leave transition active
// It should be different with bodyClassEnterTransitonActive to avoid conflict and accident remove other class
bodyClassLeaveTransitonActive: {
type: String,
required: false,
default: "body-leave-transition-active",
// The key to distinct your router. The trasition will only trigger when the key is changed
routeKey: {
type: String,
requried: true,
// On SSR, you might wait for the router resolved before mounting the app
// it leads to the first afterEach hook will not be fired in the page load
// so you should turn this option to false
ignoreFirstLoad: {
type: Boolean,
default: true,
// Use keep-alive or not
keepAlive: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
// Attributes for keep-alive
keepAliveAttrs: {
type: Object,
default: {}
- Clone the project
- Install dependencies:
npm install
yarn dev
to watch build source codecd dev && yarn dev
to run the demo
- Add demo
- Add tests
- Add more transition: slide-up, slide-down, zoom-in, zoom-out...
- Support Vue2
- Support all Vue3 Transition properties
- Support breakpoints config
- Support transition hooks
- Clean readme