Component hooks and tools to interact with the Duality Dex chain and indexer for front ends
Duality Front End SDK
A collection of useful component hooks and tools to interact with the Duality Dex chain and indexer for front ends.
Get Started
npm install @duality-labs/duality-front-end-sdk
Using indexer data
See also:
- https://github.com/duality-labs/hapi-indexer
- https://hadron.notion.site/Indexer-API-a2eabb732292453196332cb2727e53f7
Subscribing to indexer data updates may seem complicated at first, given that the event stream returns partial updates and these updates need to be accumulated into a usable data state. The exposed classes here should help:
IndexerStreamAccumulateSingleDataSet<DataRow, DataSet>
IndexerStreamAccumulateDualDataSet<DataRow, DataSet>
- where
is a TypeScript interface of an endpoint's row data shape - where
is a Map type defining data accumulation from rows into a map
A set of abstracted functions for higher level usage includes functions that
mimic fetch
behavior, awaiting for all requested data before resolving:
And React hook implementations to track a cumulative data state with each update
Indexer usage Examples
This allows an abstraction of examples such as the following
A simple fetch replacement, including abortController option:
import { fetchSingleDataSetFromIndexer } from '@duality-labs/duality-front-end-sdk';
type TimeSeriesRow = [unixTime: number, values: number[]];
type TimeSeriesDataSet = Map<TimeSeriesRow['0'], TimeSeriesRow['1']>
async function getSortedTimeseries(url: string): Promise<TimeSeriesRow[]> {
const data: TimeSeriesDataSet =
await fetchSingleDataSetFromIndexer<TimeSeriesRow>(url);
return Array.from(data)
// sort by index (chronological timestamp)
.sort(([a], [b]) => a - b);
or using an AbortController in a bad practice React useEffect fetch (demonstrating cleanup)
import { fetchSingleDataSetFromIndexer } from '@duality-labs/duality-front-end-sdk';
useEffect(() => {
const abortController = new AbortController();
fetchSingleDataSetFromIndexer<TimeSeriesRow>(url, { abortController })
.then((data: TimeSeriesDataSet): TimeSeriesRow[] => {
return (
// sort by index (chronological timestamp)
.sort(([a], [b]) => a - b)
// cleanup by aborting the fetch
return () => abortController.abort();
}, [url]);
Subscribing to updates using base data accumulation Class:
import { IndexerStreamAccumulateSingleDataSet } from '@duality-labs/duality-front-end-sdk';
// to pass update data to a higher-level `onRealtimeCallback` function
new IndexerStreamAccumulateSingleDataSet<TimeSeriesRow>(url, {
onUpdate: (dataUpdates) => {
// note: TradingView data needs to be in chronological order
// and our indexer API delivers results in reverse-chronological order
const chronologicalUpdates = dataUpdates.reverse();
for (const row of chronologicalUpdates) {
// translate indexer API data row into TradingView candle object
Subscribing to updates using data accumulation React Hooks:
import { useMemo } from 'react';
import { useIndexerStreamOfSingleDataSet } from '@duality-labs/duality-front-end-sdk';
export type TokenPairReserves = [
token0: string,
token1: string,
reserve0: number,
reserve1: number
type DataRow = [index: number, values: TokenPairReserves];
type TokenPairsState = {
data: TokenPairReserves[] | undefined;
error: Error | null;
export default function useTokenPairs(): TokenPairsState {
const { data, error } =
const values: TokenPairReserves[] | undefined = useMemo(() => {
if (data) {
const values = Array.from(data)
.sort(([a], [b]) => a - b)
.map((row) => row[1]);
return values;
}, [data]);
// return state
return { data: values, error: error || null };
Subscribing to updates of a multiple dataset endpoint with React Hooks
import { useIndexerStreamOfDualDataSet } from '@duality-labs/duality-front-end-sdk';
type ReserveDataRow = [tickIndex: number, reserves: number];
type ReserveDataSet = Map<ReserveDataRow['0'], ReserveDataRow['1']>;
// add convenience method to fetch liquidity maps of a pair
export function useTokenPairMapLiquidity([tokenIdA, tokenIdB]: [string?, string? ]): {
// note that two data sets are returned by useIndexerStreamOfDualDataSet
data?: [ReserveDataSet, ReserveDataSet];
error?: unknown;
} {
// stream data from indexer
return useIndexerStreamOfDualDataSet<ReserveDataRow>(
tokenIdA && tokenIdB && `${indexerAPI}/liquidity/pair/${tokenIdA}/${tokenIdB}`,
// remove entries of value 0 from the accumulated map, they are not used
mapEntryRemovalValue: 0,