Buffer data from an incoming stream and allow access to the complete buffer once all data has been received.
Receive Stream Buffer
Receive Stream Buffer is a simple module that will combine all the data from a receive stream into a single buffer. The data in the buffer can then be extracted and used as a string or a buffer.
The buffer stream can be reset which will clear the data and resize it back to its initial size.
An object can be passed to the constructor containing options for this class or the underlying buffer object.
Options specific to this class that can be passed to the constructor are:
- logger: what to use to log output (required)
- verbose: should we log anything (default: false)
- bufferSizeIncrement: By how much should the buffer increase if there is not enough space (default: 10 MB)
Other buffer specific options can be passed as well but this code has only been tested with the default options.
Example usage:
const ReceiveStreamBuffer = require('receive-stream-buffer');
const bufferStream = new ReceiveStreamBuffer({ logger: console, verbose: false, bufferSizeIncrement: 10 * 1024 * 1024 });
.on('finish', () => {
const buf = bufferStream.getData();
// Do something with buf
bufferStream.resetData(); // or let it go out of scope and it will be garbage collected
Currently being used to buffer data being streamed to a process. Using the buffer allows large continuous writes to disk instead of many small writes for each chunk.