A pattern library for building dscout user interfaces
A CSS framework and React component library for building dscout user interfaces. Visit the documentation site to learn more.
Install particle using yarn or npm:
$ yarn add @dscout/particle
$ npm install --save @dscout/particle
Everything is a named export on the namespace "@dscout/particle," for example:
import React from 'react';
import { Container, Heading } from '@dscout/particle';
export default function Announcement() {
return (
<Heading level="2">Important!</Heading>
<p>Make sure to eat your vegetables.</p>
Stylesheets are included in two formats: css
and scss
Pre-compiled stylesheets are located in the lib
directory of the build output.
To import into a plain CSS file:
@import 'node_modules/@dscout/particle/lib/stylesheets/particle.css';
@import 'node_modules/@dscout/particle/lib/stylesheets/particle.min.css';
The source scss
file is located in the styles
You can import it into your own scss
file like so:
@import '@dscout/particle/styles/particle.scss';
Developing with Storybook
Storybook provides an isolated development environment for Particle components as well as a published static site that serves as a playground and documentation.
Install dependencies
Particle uses asdf to manage the node dependencies. To develop locally first install asdf with:
brew install asdf
Then install nodejs. If you don't already have nodejs set up on your machine you may first need install its dependencies and OpenPGP keys:
brew install coreutils
brew install gpg
bash ~/.asdf/plugins/nodejs/bin/import-release-team-keyring
Install asdf dependencies
asdf install
Install NPM dependencies with yarn:
yarn install
Start Storybook
Run Storybook locally:
yarn start
A variety of scripts are provided for running common tasks.
Lint with ESLint and run typechecker:
yarn lint
Start the Vitest test runner in watch mode:
yarn test
See the wiki for details on how to contribute to Particle.
Releasing a new version
Instructions for preparing a new release and submitting it to npm can be found here.