JSON diagnose logger for OpenTelemetry
JSON diagnose logger for OpenTelemetry
npm install --save @dreamit/otel-json-logger
TypeScript declarations are provided within the project.
otel-json-logger is compatible with @opentelemetry/api version ^1.6.0.
- Provides JSON Logger for OpenTelemetry DiagLogger interface
- Stringifies/inspects messages with objects and arrays as well as log arguments to avoid breaking logging tools
- Creates ISODate timestamp for log entry
Create a JsonDiagLogger object by providing a fitting loggerName and serviceName. The logger can be used standalone to log JSON to console as well as a global DiagLogger.
import { JsonDiagLogger } from '@dreamit/otel-json-logger'
import { diag, DiagLogLevel } from "@opentelemetry/api";
// Standalone
const logger = new JsonDiagLogger({
loggerName: 'test-logger', // The loggerName printed in field "logger"
serviceName: 'test-service', // The serviceName printed in field "serviceName"
minLogLevel: LogLevel.info, // Optional: The minimum log level to use. Default: Does not check for min LogLevel.
logFirstIncomingRequest: true, // Optional: If true, the first incoming request will be logged. Other messages on debug level will be log if monLogLevel is set to debug or higher. Default: false. Note: If you use diag.setLogger ensure that at least "LogLevel.debug" is set, otherwise the message will be ignored.
logLevelForAsyncAttributeError: LogLevel.info // Optional: The log level to use for the message "Accessing resource attributes before async attributes settled". These errors might not be relevant enough to log them on error level.
logLevelForRegisterGlobalMessages: LogLevel.info // Optional: The log level to use for messages "... Registered a global ...". These are helpful to check if OTEL is running properly but are logged on debug level by default. Increase this log level to see these messages.
logLevelForServiceRequestErrorMessages: LogLevel.info, // Optional: The log level to use for error message "Service request". These contain request information that might not be logged on error level.
logLevelForTimeoutErrorMessages: LogLevel.info, // Optional: The log level to use for Timeout related messages. These might be of short nature and be downgraded or ignored.
logLevelForVerbose: LogLevel.off // Optional: Set LogLevel for verbose entries or ignore them
truncateLimit: 200 // Optional: The length of the message before the message gets truncated. Default: undefined/0 (off).
truncatedText: '_TRC_' // Optional: The text to display if a message is truncated.
logger.debug('test', 1, {name: 'myname'})
// Add as global DiagLogger
diag.setLogger(logger, DiagLogLevel.ERROR)
JsonDiagLogger functions
General functions
- createLogEntry: Creates and returns a log entry of type LogEntry with the provided information.
- logMessage: Central function being called by all DiagLogger interface functions. Calls createLogEntry, stringifies the result and calls console.log().
- formatMessage: Formats the message. If the message contains an object or array wrap it in JSON.stringify to avoid these being interpreted as JSON objects.
- setOptions: Sets the LoggerOptions to be used for logging. Can be called after constructor call to set new/other options.
- containsTimeout: Check if the message contains a Timeout information like "4 DEADLINE_EXCEEDED" or "14 UNAVAILABLE".
- isIncomingRequestLogMessage: Checks if the arguments are part of an incomingRequest message, i.e. the first argument contains the text 'incomingRequest'
- isEqualOrHigherMinLogLevel: Checks if the log level is equal or higher than the minimum log level.
- containsAsyncAttributeError: Check if the message contains an async attribute error like "Accessing resource attributes before async attributes settled".
DiagLogger interface functions
- debug: Logs a debug message
- error: Logs an error message
- info: Logs an info message
- verbose: Logs a verbose message
- warn: Logs a warn message
LogLevel enum values
- OFF : Do not log these entries!
If you have questions or issues please visit our Issue page and open a new issue if there are no fitting issues for your topic yet.
otel-json-logger is under MIT-License.