Install this library by using `npm install @drbackmischung/charts`.
Install this library by using npm install @drbackmischung/charts
To use the charts you have to import the ChartsModule in your app.module.ts.
Needed: npm install [email protected] [email protected] --save
Style: CSS Style for the surrounding <div>
Data: Data to be displayed in the Chart
Labels: Labels for the different bars
Options: Additional configuration
HasLegend: Boolean to turn the legent off
public style: any = {width: "50%", display: "block"}
public data: ChartNgData[] = [
{ data: [65, 59, 80, 81, 141, 55, 40], measure: 'Sales Product A', color: 'red'},
{ data: [36, 21, 56, 0, 20, 150, 4], measure: 'Sales Product B', color: 'green' },
public labels : ChartNgLabel[] = ['2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016'];
public options: ChartNgOptions = {
responsive: true,
yAxisBeginAtZero: true
public hasLegend : boolean = true;
Style: CSS Style for the surrounding <div>
Data: Data to be displayed in the Chart
Labels: Labels for the different bars
Options: Additional configuration
HasLegend: Boolean to turn the legent off
ShowFilling: Boolean to fill the insides of the lines
ShowLine: Boolean to turn on the lines
public style: any = {width: "50%", display: "block"}
public data: ChartNgData[] = [
{ data: [65, 59, 80, 81, 141, 55, 40], measure: 'Sales Product A', color: 'red'},
{ data: [36, 21, 56, 0, 20, 150, 4], measure: 'Sales Product B', color: 'green' },
public labels : ChartNgLabel[] = ['2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016'];
public options: ChartNgOptions = {
responsive: true,
xAxisBeginAtZero: true
public hasLegend : boolean = true;
public showFilling: boolean = false;
public showLine: boolean = true;