Exadel CompreFace Rest API TypeScript SDK
Exadel CompreFace Rest API TypeScript SDK.
npm install @dragonish/compre-face-sdk
Face Recognition Service
import { FaceRecognitionService } from '@dragonish/compre-face-sdk';
const frs = new FaceRecognitionService('<api url>', '<api key>');
| Method name | Description |
| --- | --- |
| addASubject()
| Add a Subject |
| renameASubject()
| Rename a Subject |
| deleteASubject()
| Delete a Subject |
| deleteAllSubjects()
| Delete All Subjects |
| listSubjects()
| List Subjects |
| getURLOfAddAnExample()
| Get the full URL of "Add an Example of a Subject" |
| addAnExample()
| Add an Example of a Subject |
| listOfAllExamples()
| List of All Saved Examples of the Subject |
| deleteAllExamplesOfTheSubject()
| Delete All Examples of the Subject by Name |
| deleteAnExample()
| Delete an Example of the Subject by ID |
| deleteMultipleExamples()
| Delete Multiple Examples |
| DirectImageExample()
| Direct Download an Image example of the Subject by ID |
| downloadImageExample()
| Download an Image example of the Subject by ID |
| getURLOfRecognizeFaces
| Get the full URL of "Recognize Faces from a Given Image" |
| recognizeFaces()
| Recognize Faces from a Given Image |
| recognizeFacesByEmbedding()
| Recognize Faces from a Given Image, Embedding |
| getURLOfVerifyFaces()
| Get the full URL of "Verify Faces from a Given Image" |
| verifyFaces()
| Verify Faces from a Given Image |
| verifyFacesByEmbedding()
| Verify Faces from a Given Image, Embedding |
Face Detection Service
import { FaceDetectionService } from '@dragonish/compre-face-sdk';
const fds = new FaceDetectionService('<api url>', '<api key>');
| Method name | Description |
| --- | --- |
| getURLOfFaceDetection()
| Get the full URL of "Face Detection Service" |
| faceDetection()
| Face Detection Service |
Face Verification Service
import { FaceVerificationService } from '@dragonish/compre-face-sdk';
const fvs = new FaceVerificationService('<api url>', '<api key>');
| Method name | Description |
| --- | --- |
| getURLOfFaceVerification()
| Get the full URL of "Face Verification Service" |
| faceVerification()
| Face Verification Service |
| faceVerificationByEmbedding()
| Face Verification Service, Embedding |