node, express, graphql, custom color, theme, logo and i18n
Dracul Queue-backend Module
The Queue Modules allow you to see workers stats in a queue. The stats are jobs added, jobs done, jobs pending and jobs gotten
-Graphql (Apollo Server)
This module allows:
- Get stats of workers in process in a queue.
npm i @dracul/queue-backend
Usage example
Types and Resolvers.
import {types,resolvers} from '@dracul/queue-backend'
Permisses to use
import {QUEUE_SHOW} from "@dracul/queue-backend/lib/permissions"
Querys Grapqhql
- queueStats: return an array of workers with all their jobs in each states in a queue
queueStats: [QueueStats]
topic: String!
added: Int
gotten: Int
failed: Int
done: Int
Data returned by the service Return an array of queuStats type. This type contains: Name | Data Type | Description | ------- | -------------| --------------| topic | String | Worker Topic in process| added | Int | Quantity jobs added| gotten | Int | Quantity jobs gotten | failed | Int | Quantity jobs failed | done | Int | Quantity jobs done |
- queues: return an array of workers with their data
queues: [Queue]
type Queue{
blockedUntil: String
workerHostname: String
workerId: String
retries: Int
topic: String!
payload: String
done: Boolean
error: String
Datos que retorna el servicio Return an array of Queue type. This type contains: Name | Data Type | Description | ------- | -------------| --------------| blockedUntil | String | Date delay to execute workerHostname | String| worker Host Name of worker in process| workerId | String | Unique Identifier of worker | retries | Int | quantity retries to execute | topic | String | job's Topic| payload | String | job Content| done | Boolean | 'true' if job is succeced else job failed | icon | String | job icon | error | String | description of error |
It is recommended to use Scaffold, where you already have all the modules implemented to be able to use it as a project base. https://github.com/draculjs/scaffold GitHubGitHub draculjs/scaffold Base project with SPA frontend and API backend with Grahql. - draculjs/scaffold. - draculjs/scaffold