Utility functions for NodeJS-based Javascript projects.
The Serverbase library pulls together the core set of libraries required by the various nodejs-hosted components of DRA2020. This includes:
- the nodejs hosted server
- serverless lambda functions
- command line utilities run under nodejs
These libraries are all packaged in this repository. Normally they are included like this:
import { DB, Lambda } from '@dra2020/baseserver';
Then the various functions of the different sets are available under their appropriate symbol.
These libraries are used only on the server (or nodejs-hosted command line utilites):
- DBAbstract: A database abstraction interface, exposed as FSM classes.
- Storage: A blob storage abstraction interface, exposed as FSM classes.
- JS: A set of classes for doing stream-based reading and writing of JSON.
- FsmFile: A set of utility classes for exposing file operations (e.g. mkdir) as FSM-compatible classes.
- LogServer: The server implementation of the logging interface, supports saving the logs up to a blob storage.
- S3: An implementation of the storage abstraction on top of AWS S3, exposed as FSM classes.
- DBDynamo: An implementation of the DB abstraction on top of AWS DynamoDB, exposed as FSM classes.
- Lambda: An interface for invoking AWS lambda functions in a consistent way, exposed as FSM classes.