fluent2js and js2fluent converter
The source is available for download from GitHub. Alternatively, you can install using npm:
npm install --save fluent_conv
You can then import
or require()
fluent_conv as normal:
import fluent from 'fluent_conv'
// or
const fluent = require('fluent_conv')
fluent.ftl2js(str, (err, res) => {}, { respectComments: true })
Or you can direclty import
or require()
its functions:
import ftl2js from 'fluent_conv/ftl2js'
// or
const ftl2js = require('fluent_conv/cjs/ftl2js')
optional parameters
// If set to `false` will ignore all kind of comments.
// Useful for one-way conversion from ftl to js files.
respectComments: true,
const ftl = `
emails =
{ $unreadEmails ->
[one] You have one unread email.
*[other] You have { $unreadEmails } unread emails.
-brand-name =
*[nominative] Firefox
[accusative] Firefoxa
-another-term = another term
app-title = { -brand-name }
restart-app = Zrestartuj { -brand-name[accusative] }.
# Note: { $title } is a placeholder for the title of the web page
# captured in the screenshot. The default, for pages without titles, is
# creating-page-title-default.
login = Predefined value
.placeholder = [email protected]
.aria-label = Login input value
.title = Type your login email
logout = Logout
const js = {
"{ $unreadEmails ->\n [one] You have one unread email.\n *[other] You have { $unreadEmails } unread emails.\n}",
"-brand-name": "{\n *[nominative] Firefox\n [accusative] Firefoxa\n}",
"-another-term": "another term",
"app-title": "{ -brand-name }",
"restart-app": "Zrestartuj { -brand-name[accusative] }.",
login: {
"Note: { $title } is a placeholder for the title of the web page\ncaptured in the screenshot. The default, for pages without titles, is\ncreating-page-title-default.",
val: "Predefined value",
placeholder: "[email protected]",
"aria-label": "Login input value",
title: "Type your login email"
logout: "Logout"
import ftl2js from 'fluent_conv/ftl2js'
const res = ftl2js(ftl)
// res is like js
// or with callback
ftl2js(ftl, (err, res) => {
// res is like js
import js2ftl from 'fluent_conv/js2ftl'
const res = js2ftl(js)
// res is like ftl
// or with callback
js2ftl(js, (err, res) => {
// res is like ftl