Boolean operations and offsetting library in Javascript
forked from Javascript Clipper
The Javascript Clipper library performs clipping and offsetting for both lines and polygons. All four boolean clipping operations are supported - intersection, union, difference and exclusive-or. Polygons can be of any shape including self-intersecting polygons.
Javascript Clipper is a port of Angus Johnson's Clipper library: https://sourceforge.net/projects/polyclipping/
LIVE DEMO: http://jsclipper.sourceforge.net/
Information and examples: http://jsclipper.sourceforge.net/
Donate Javascript Clipper Project: https://sourceforge.net/p/jsclipper/wiki/Donations/
Use cases:
- Over 1500 schools in the UK uses Javascript Clipper in Digimap for Schools service. Digimap for Schools is an online mapping service for use by teachers and pupils. Read more: https://mobilegeo.wordpress.com/ and http://digimapforschools.edina.ac.uk/cosmo-free/osmapper
- Line and polygon clipping - intersection, union, difference & xor
- Line and polygon offsetting with 3 types of joining - miter, square and round
- Polygons can be of any shape, including self-intersecting polygons
- Minkowski Addition and Minkowski Difference functions included
- The library is written in Javascript
- Comprehensive documentation
- Demos use inline SVG and Canvas libraries
- The library is significantly faster than commercial alternatives
- Uses Tom Wu's fast big integer library
- UMD support
Algorithms, Graphics