Use speech-to-text and/or word prediction to support writers' needs. Runs on any Chromium, Safari, or Firefox based browser that supports WebAssembly.
Co:Writer® SDK for Web
- Add accessibility/accommodation tools for writing quickly and easily.
- Where is Co:Writer SDK hosted
- Example of Co:Writer SDK basic integration into a web page
- Example of Co:Writer SDK basic integration without DOM scanning
- Example of Co:Writer SDK integration using all config parameters
- Co:Writer SDK API
- dji.cowriter.setLicenceKey(licenseKey)
- async dji.cowriter.initialize(config)
- async dji.cowriter.enable()
- async dji.cowriter.disable()
- async dji.cowriter.attach(targets)
- async dji.cowriter.detach(targets)
- async dji.cowriter.resetState()
- dji.cowriter.updateFeatures(features)
- Customize the position of the Co:Writer icon
- Terms and Conditions
- License
Add accessibility/accommodation tools for writing quickly and easily.
Use speech-to-text and/or word prediction to support writers' needs. Runs on any Chromium, Safari, or Firefox based browser that supports WebAssembly.
Where is Co:Writer SDK hosted
Co:Writer SDK can be used directly from Don Johnston Inc. CDN, or it can be hosted on integrator's CDN.
Snippet for Don Johnston Inc. CDN:
<script src="https://cdn.donjohnston.net/cowriter/sdk/1.1.7-beta.9/cowriter.js"></script>
Snippet for integrator's CDN:
<script src="<YOUR-CUSTOM-PATH>/cowriter.js""></script>
Example of Co:Writer SDK basic integration into a web page
<script src="<YOUR-CUSTOM-PATH>/cowriter.js"></script>
sdkMode: true
Example of Co:Writer SDK basic integration without DOM scanning
<script src="<YOUR-CUSTOM-PATH>/cowriter.js"></script>
const Config = {
sdkMode: true,
features: {
autoScan: false, // Auto detect the editable fields by scanning the DOM. Default value is true.
async function runWorkflow() {
await dji.cowriter.initialize(Config);
await dji.cowriter.enable();
await dji.cowriter.attach(document.querySelector("#some-editor-id"));
// ... and later
await dji.cowriter.detach(document.querySelector("#some-editor-id"));
await dji.cowriter.disable();
Example of Co:Writer SDK integration using all config parameters
<script src="<YOUR-CUSTOM-PATH>/cowriter.js"></script>
const Config = {
sdkMode: true,
language: "en-US", // Prediction and TTS language. Possible values are: "en-US", "es-ES". Default value is "en-US".
features: {
autoScan: true, // Auto detect the editable fields by scanning the DOM. Default value is true.
prediction: true, // Activate or deactivate the Word Prediction feature. Possible values are: true, false. Default value is true.
tts: true, // Activate or deactivate the TTS feature. Possible values are: true, false. Default value is true.
speechRecognition: true // Activate or deactivate the Speech Recognition feature. Possible values are: true, false. Default value is true.
settings: {
prediction: {
mode: "advanced", // Prediction mode. Possible values are: "basic", "advanced". Default value is "advanced".
mainDictionary: "40k", // Prediction main dictionary. Possible values are "40k", "12k", "6k", "3k", "1k", "0k". Default value is "40k".
guesses: 5, // The maximum number of displayed guesses. Possible values are between 1 and 9. Default value is 5.
momentaryTopic: true, // Predict from page. Default value is true.
ahead: true, // Predict ahead. Default value is true.
flexibleSpelling: true, // Flexible spelling. Default value is true.
grammar: true, // Grammar. Default value is true.
autoCapitalization: false // Auto capitalization. Default value is false.
predictionWindow: {
fontFamily: "Verdana", // Font family. Default value is "Verdana".
fontSize: 24, // Font size, in percents. Possible values are between 0% and 100%. Default value is 24%.
textColor: "#000000", // Text color, in hexadecimal format. Default value is "#000000" (white).
backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF" // Background color, in hexadecimal format. Default value is "#FFFFFF" (black).
speech: {
voice: null, // Voice name. Can be any supported voice name. Default is null.
volume: 100, // Speech volume, in percents. Possible values are between 0% and 100%. Default value is 100%.
rate: 50, // Speech rate, in percents. Possible values are between 0% and 100%. Default value is 50%.
pitch: 50, // Speech pitch, in percents. Possible values are between 0% and 100%. Default value is 50%.
letters: false, // Speak the typed letter. Default value is false.
words: true, // Speak the typed word. Default value is true.
sentences: true, // Speak the typed sentence. Default value is true.
async function runWorkflow() {
await dji.cowriter.initialize(Config);
await dji.cowriter.enable();
// If you set Config.features.autoScan to false, you can programmatically attach Co:Writer to text editors.
// await dji.cowriter.attach(document.querySelector("#some-editor-id"));
// ... and later
// If you set Config.features.autoScan to false, you can programmatically detach Co:Writer from text editors.
// await dji.cowriter.detach(document.querySelector("#some-editor-id"));
await dji.cowriter.disable();
Co:Writer SDK API
Set the license key for Co:Writer SDK.
| Parameter | Type | Optional | Description | Possible values | Default value |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| licenseKey
| String | No | The license key. | - | - | - |
| | | | | | |
- dji.cowriter.initialize(...) must be called before with features.autoScan set to false.
async dji.cowriter.initialize(config)
Initialize Co:Writer SDK with the desired configuration.
| Parameter | Type | Optional | Description | Possible values | Default value |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| config
| Object | No | An object with one or more of the following properties: | - | - |
| config.sdkMode
| Boolean | No | Initialize Co:Writer SDK to work as a standalone SDK. | - | false |
| config.sdkRoot
| String | Yes* | The location of Co:Writer SDK. It can be an absolute location or a relative location to the current web page.* If cowriter.js is loaded using eval, than this parameter must be set.Example: "https://cdn.donjohnston.net/cowriter/sdk/1.1.7-beta.9/" | - | undefined |
| [config.language
] | String | Yes | Prediction and TTS language. | en-US, es-ES | en-US |
| | | | | | |
| [config.features
] | Object | Yes | Co:Writer main features. | - | undefined |
| [config.features.autoScan
] | Boolean | Yes | Auto detect the editable fields by scanning the DOM. | - | true |
| [config.features.showIconForAttachedEditors
] | Boolean | Yes | When autoScan is set to false, this flag controls the CoWriter icon visibility when attached editors gain focus. When autoScan is set to true, this flag is ignored. | - | false |
| [config.features.prediction
] | Boolean | Yes | Activate or deactivate the Word Prediction feature. | - | true |
| [config.features.tts
] | Boolean | Yes | Activate or deactivate the TTS feature. | - | true |
| [config.features.speechRecognition
] | Boolean | Yes | Activate or deactivate the Speech Recognition feature. | - | true |
| | | | | | |
| [config.settings
] | Object | Yes | Co:Writer main settings. | - | undefined |
| | | | | | |
| [config.settings.prediction
] | Object | Yes | Co:Writer prediction settings. | - | undefined |
| [config.settings.prediction.mainDictionary
] | String | Yes | Prediction mode. The basic mode is available only for English. | basic, advanced | advanced |
| [config.settings.prediction.mode
] | String | Yes | Prediction main dictionary. | 40k, 12k, 6k, 3k, 1k, 0k | 40k |
| [config.settings.prediction.guesses
] | Number | Yes | The maximum number of displayed guesses. | [1..9] | 5 |
| [config.settings.prediction.momentaryTopic
] | Boolean | Yes | Predict from page. | - | true |
| [config.settings.prediction.ahead
] | Boolean | Yes | Predict ahead. | - | true |
| [config.settings.prediction.flexibleSpelling
] | Boolean | Yes | Flexible spelling. | - | true |
| [config.settings.prediction.grammar
] | Boolean | Yes | Grammar. | - | true |
| [config.settings.prediction.autoCapitalization
] | Boolean | Yes | Auto capitalization. | - | true |
| | | | | | |
| [config.settings.predictionWindow
] | Object | Yes | Co:Writer prediction window settings. | - | undefined |
| [config.settings.predictionWindow.fontFamily
] | String | Yes | Font family. | Any supported font family. | Verdana |
| [config.settings.predictionWindow.fontSize
] | Number | Yes | Font size, in percents. | [0%..100%] | 24% |
| [config.settings.predictionWindow.textColor
] | String | Yes | Text color, in hexadecimal format. | Any supported color. | #000000 |
| [config.settings.predictionWindow.backgroundColor
] | String | Yes | Background color, in hexadecimal format. | Any supported color. | #FFFFFF |
| | | | | | |
| [config.settings.speech
] | Object | Yes | Co:Writer speech settings. | - | undefined |
| [config.settings.speech.voice
] | String | Yes | Voice name. | Any supported voice name. | No default value. We used whatever the default voice is. |
| [config.settings.speech.volume
] | Number | Yes | Speech volume, in percents. | [0%..100%] | 100% |
| [config.settings.speech.rate
] | Number | Yes | Speech rate, in percents. | [0%..100%] | 50% |
| [config.settings.speech.pitch
] | Number | Yes | Speech pitch, in percents. | [0%..100%] | 50% |
| [config.settings.speech.letters
] | Boolean | Yes | Speak the typed letter. | - | false |
| [config.settings.speech.words
] | Boolean | Yes | Speak the typed word. | - | true |
| [config.settings.speech.sentences
] | Boolean | Yes | Speak the typed sentence. | - | true |
| [config.settings.speech.speakAfterSTT
] | Boolean | Yes | Speak after speech to text. | - | false |
| | | | | | |
| returns | Promise | | | | |
| | | | | | |
async dji.cowriter.enable()
Enable Co:Writer in a web page.
When Co:Writer is enabled, its icon will be displayed when an editor has focus, and the users can turn it on/off.
- dji.cowriter.initialize(...) must be called before.
- if Co:Writer has been initialized with features.autoScan set to false, the icon will not appear.
async dji.cowriter.disable()
Disable Co:Writer in a web page.
When Co:Writer is disabled, its icon will NOT be displayed, and the users don't have access to it. Also, its Web Worker is not running.
- dji.cowriter.initialize(...) must be called before.
async dji.cowriter.attach(targets)
Attach Co:Writer to some editors in the current web page.
| Parameter | Type | Optional | Description | Possible values | Default value |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| targets
| HTMLElement,String,[HTMLElement,string] | No | The targets can be a HTMLElement, a selector, or an array of HTMLElements and selectors. | - | - | - |
| returns | Promise | | | | |
| | | | | | |
- dji.cowriter.initialize(...) must be called before with features.autoScan set to false.
async dji.cowriter.detach(targets)
Detach Co:Writer from some editors, or all editors, in the current web page.
| Parameter | Type | Optional | Description | Possible values | Default value |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [targets
] | HTMLElement,String,[HTMLElement,string] | Yes | The targets can be a HTMLElement, a selector, or an array of HTMLElements and selectors. If not specified, Co:writer will be detached from all attached editors. | - | - | - |
| returns | Promise | | | | |
| | | | | | |
- dji.cowriter.initialize(...) must be called before with features.autoScan set to false.
async dji.cowriter.resetState()
Reset the state of the prediction engine.
- dji.cowriter.initialize(...) must be called before.
Update Co:Writer features.
| Parameter | Type | Optional | Description | Possible values | Default value |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| features
| Object | No | An object with one or more of the following properties: | - | - |
| [features.prediction
] | Boolean | Yes | Activate or deactivate the Word Prediction feature. | - | true |
| [features.tts
] | Boolean | Yes | Activate or deactivate the TTS feature. | - | true |
| [features.speechRecognition
] | Boolean | Yes | Activate or deactivate the Speech Recognition feature. | - | true |
| | | | | | |
| returns | Promise | | | | |
| | | | | | |
- dji.cowriter.initialize(...) must be called before.
Customize the position of the Co:Writer icon
The position of the Co:Writer icon can be customized using the CSS variables in the example below.
:root {
--dji-cowriter-sdk-position-bottom: 20px;
--dji-cowriter-sdk-position-right: 20px;
Terms and Conditions
See Terms and Conditions: Co:Writer® SDK for Web in TERMS-AND-CONDITIONS.md file.
Co:Writer SDK is a commercial product, and licensing arrangements can be made through Don Johnston Incorporated. We're happy to work with you to evaluate the integration into your product(s). Please email [email protected] with the subject line of "CW SDK" to get started.
© 2022 Don Johnston Inc.