Runtype converts Typescript type aliases, interfaces, and enums to Javascript that can be used during runtime
Runtype converts Typescript type aliases, interfaces, and enums to Javascript that can be used during runtime
- Uses Typescript Compiler
- Recursive validation during runtime
- Well Tested
- Many supported types
npm i -g @dollarshaveclub/runtype # Install globally or --save-dev
First things first, you need to have some typescript that you'd like to transpile to javascript.
Command Line API
# Input: STDIN, Output: STDOUT
$ echo 'type ID = string | number' | runtype >> ./output.js
# Input: Disk, Output: STDOUT
$ runtype -f './files/**/*.ts' >> ./output.js
# Input: Disk, Output: Disk
$ runtype -f './files/**/*.ts' -o ./output.js
# Debug
echo 'type ID = string | number' | runtype -d
Node API
import { parse, render } from '@dollarshaveclub/runtype'
import fs from 'fs'
const data = parse(['./files/my-types.ts'])
fs.writeFileSync(render(data), './output.js')
Runtime API
Once you've transpiled your typescript, import it in your project to be compiled into your apps build.
The transpiled API allows you to validate your data with the types and interfaces defined in your typescript files. They are functions that will throw errors if the data provided is invalid.
import {
aliases: { ID },
interfaces: { Product },
} from './output.js'
ID(true) // Throws an error
Product({ sku: 'M-EXEC-1', price: 5.00 }) // etc
Additional APIs are available to work with.
import {
runtypes, // All of your types/interfaces organized neatly
validate, // A function that validates data, returns true or error messages
resolveType, // A function that converts a value into a type
aliases, // An object containing all of your type aliases
interfaces, // An object containing all of your interfaces
enums, // An object containing all of your enums
} from './output.js'
console.log(runtypes) // neat
validate('ID', 5) // true
validate('ID', ['test']) // ['ID value is invalid']
resolveType(5) // "number"
resolveType([]) // "array", etc
aliases.ID(true) // throws an error
interfaces.Product({ /* etc */ }})
cart: enums.Carts.Gift, // Specify the gift cart as an enum
The following features are supported by Runtype. Contributions are always welcome!
type ID = number
Union Types
type mixed = string | number | boolean | object | symbol | null | undefined
interface Product {
id: string | number, // Union Types
sku: string,
price: number,
type: 'product', // Literal Values
description?: string, // Optional Properties
parent: Product, // Reference Types
childProducts: Product[], // Reference Array Types
benefits: string[] // Primitive Array Types
enum PaymentMethods {
Credits = 'credits',
Card = 'card',
PayPal = 'paypal',