The Dock Wallet SDK provides all the required functions to build a PolkaDot Wallet on top of a [Universal Wallet 2020](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/universal-wallet-interop-spec/) document storage. It supports both Node.js and React Native.
Dock Wallet SDK
The Dock Wallet SDK provides all the required functions to build a PolkaDot Wallet on top of a Universal Wallet 2020 document storage. It supports both Node.js and React Native.
For React Native usage please check @docknetwork/wallet-sdk-react-native
This is the core package and includes basic functionalities such as:
- Document storage following Universal Wallet 2020 spec
- Manage a wallet (CRUD)
- Manage accounts (CRUD)
- Fetch account balances
- Wallet/Account backup
- Import wallet/accounts
You might require to install extra packages depending on your needs, please refer to:
- @docknetwork/wallet-sdk-react-native
- @docknetwork/wallet-sdk-dids
- @docknetwork/wallet-sdk-transactions
- @docknetwork/wallet-sdk-credentials
yarn add @docknetwork/wallet-sdk-core
React Native Example
import {Wallet} from '@docknetwork/wallet-sdk-core/lib/modules/wallet';
const wallet = await Wallet.create();
const account1 = await wallet.accounts.create({
name: 'test',
console.log(`Account1 address ${account1.address}`);
// result: Account1 address 3D1M9UnR684eBfVujjQr6ucPqvXERSxYxcVBFGAhRohhRXxq
// Create account using an existing mnemonic
const mnemonic =
'indicate mention thing discover clarify grief inherit vivid dish health market spoil';
const account2 = await wallet.accounts.create({
name: 'Test',
console.log(`Account2 address ${account2.address}`);
// result: Account2 address 3FENesfZgFmBruv2H9Hc17GmobeTfxFAp8gHKXFmUtA38hcW
// Fetch accounts balance
const balance = await account1.getBalance();
console.log('Account1 balance', balance);
// result: Account1 balance 0