Design System
- 🛠️ Skill guides
documentations about the skills you need in order to contribute!
- ✨ Conventional commits
patterns to create branches and write commits!
- 👨💻 Code patterns
code patterns you must follow when developing new components!
- ⚙️ Commands
useful commands you might use when developing on this repository!
- 💅 Recommended extensions
extensions that will improve your developing experience!
- 🗒️ How to use
how to use the library on another project!
In this section we have all the documentations of the tools we are using to develop the Starship design system.
React | Typescript | Styled Components | Storybook | Jest | Testing Library | Rollup | Lint
ES6 Principal Framework React 18 Coding with Typescript CSS in JavaScript with Styled Components Unit tests with Jest and Testing library Building with RollupJs Support and integration plugins with modern web dev Standard style guide and Linters NodeJS Documenting with Storybook
Conventional commits are well stablished patterns among git users. Please follow the instructions on how we're using it on this project:
Branch names
Ex: feature/[AB-0001]-button-component
type[optional-scope]: description
Ex: fix[FPS-0002]: fixing latest changes
type examples: feature | fix | refact | test | doc
scope examples: AB-0001 | FPS-0002 | addons-29
see more in the documentation
⚠️ The following patterns are a must when you get to code for this project and they have to be considered under all code reviews.
Each component must have the following files:
- Component.doc.mdx
import { Meta, ArgTypes, Canvas, Primary } from '@storybook/blocks';
import * as Component from './Component.stories';
<Meta of={ Component } />
# Component
- Explain what is the component / what it is made for;
- Give an example of the component usage throughout the internet;
- You are encouraged to leave a joke or two. Just do some funny stuff along the documentation to match our culture!
<Primary />
## Props
<ArgTypes />
- Here we put the component variations! Example:
<Canvas of={Notification.Default} />
- Component.spec.tsx
import React from 'react';
import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
import { Component } from './Component';
describe('<Component />', () => {
// TODO: Should rename the test bellow
it('', () => {
// TODO: Should test component
- Component.stories.tsx
import React from 'react';
import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';
import Component from './Component';
import { ComponentProps } from './Component.types';
const meta: Meta<typeof Component> = {
component: Component,
title: '', // Todo: Set the title
argTypes: {
Todo: Set the argTypes
prop: {
description: 'What this prop do?',
control: 'type',
table: {
defaultValue: { summary: false },
type: {
summary: 'prop type',
detail: "Additional description about the attribute's type"
export default meta;
type Story = StoryObj<typeof Component>;
export const Default: Story = {
args: {
children: <>Hello world!</>,
} as Meta<ComponentProps>;
- Component.styles.ts
import styled from 'styled-components';
import isPropValid from '@emotion/is-prop-valid';
import { ComponentProps } from './Component.types';
// TODO: Change the type of the element you want o create, the default is 'div'
export const StyledComponent = styled('div').withConfig({
shouldForwardProp: isPropValid,
color: red;
- Component.tsx
import React from 'react';
import { ComponentProps } from './Component.types';
import { StyledComponent } from './Component.styles';
const Component: React.FC<ComponentProps> = (props) => (
export default Component;
- Component.types.ts
import React from 'react';
export interface ComponentProps {
children: React.ReactNode;
- index.ts
import Component from './Component';
export default Component;
The commands below are configured on the package.json
. You can run it with yarn
or npm run
. In the examples we are using yarn
yarn start
- it starts the project on localhost:8080.
yarn start:storybook
- it starts the project on localhost:6006.
yarn build:site
- it builds the design system homepage.
yarn start:site
- it runs the bundled design system homepage.
yarn start:site-dev
- it runs the design system homepage on dev environment.
yarn pre:test
- it runs the "clean" command.
yarn test
- it runs tests.
yarn pre:build
- it cleans dist directory and caches.
yarn build
- it bundles the project.
yarn build:types
- it bundles types on dist directory with .d.ts. extension.
yarn build:storybook
- it bundles stories and convert files in static bundles.
yarn lint
- it runs lint for .ts and .tsx files.
yarn lint:fix
- it runs lint for .ts and .tsx files and fixes basic lint errors.
yarn clean
- it cleans cache of static files.
yarn clean:all
- it cleans cache of static files and the node_modules directory.
yarn build:icons
- it creates icon components based on SVG files located in the "/assets/icons/svg" directory.
- Better comments
It highlights the comments on your code.
- GitLens.
It adds useful information to your code, such as the last commit that modified a particular line or method.
- Material Icon Theme
It adds Material Design icons to VS Code.
Language support for MDX.
- Prettier
Code formatter.
- SonarLint
It helps developers with code quality and security issues as they code.
- vscode-styles-components
Syntax highlighting for styled-components.
Here is how you can use the Starship design system on another project:
install the library
yarn install @docket_brasil/starship-ds
import the component you need
import React from 'react';
import { Component } from '@docket_brasil/starship-ds';
const functionExample: React.FC<PropsExample> = (props) => (
Th-th-that's all, folks.🐷🧥