Core DMSi JavaScript utilities
DMSi Core
Utilities for use in DMSi applications
Core DMSi JavaScript utility functions
| Name | Description |
| :-------: | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| browser | Browser provides information regarding the state of the user's browser, including HTML/CSS features available, whether the browser is a mobile one, along with other lower-level browser information. Browser also offers a method to get the current orientation of the browser. |
| cookies | Abstraction of document.cookie that allows for easier access and modification of cookies. |
| decimal | Export methods to create decimal numbers in varying user-readable formats. |
| hash | Generates a hexidecimal string from a string. Useful for generating a key from a complex JS object for storage purposes. |
| keyEvents | Executes a callback if the given key was pressed. |
| Logger | Sends log messages to a websocket server that follow DMSi's standards for log levels. |
| storage | Abstractions of window.localStorage and window.sessionStorage that allow for easier access and modification of browser storage. All values will be stored using a hardcoded prefix (dmsi:
) to ensure uniqueness. |
| timezone | Exports methods designed to programmatically apply timezones to pre-existing dates, be they strings or Moment dates. |
Useful (Small) Libraries
- dot-prop: get, set, or delete a property from a nested object using a dot path
- deepmerge: merges the enumerable properties of two or more objects deeply
- klona: a tiny and fast utility to "deep clone" Objects, Arrays, Dates, RegExps, and more
- pipr: a tiny function for piping the results of one function to the next
DMSi Constants conforms to the semver spec for versioning. The library is versioned separately from other @dmsi packages. Check out the CHANGELOG to see what's changed.
Local Development
For most development purposes, symlinking @dmsi/core with a consuming package should be sufficient. However in certain cases the developer may have trouble symlinking to packages with competing dependency versions. In this case you may run yarn publish:test
, which will publish a tc
version for local development. The package must be updated to a major/minor/patch/rc version before being merged into develop.