This gulp plugin allows you to deploy SharePoint packages in the AppCatalog.
SharePoint APP Package Deployment
This is a project created for automating the deployment process of SharePoint application packages in the App Catalog site.
Run the following command to install the node-sppkg-deploy
$ npm install node-sppkg-deploy --save-exact
Once you installed this dependency, you can make use of it with the following provided sample code:
const sppkgDeploy = require('node-sppkg-deploy');
username: "username", // The user that will deploy the file
password: "password", // The password of the user
tenant: "tenant", // The tenant name. Example: contoso
site: "sites/catalog", // Path to your app catalog site
filename: "app.sppkg", // Filename of the package
skipFeatureDeployment: true, // Do you want to skip the feature deployment (SharePoint Framework)
verbose: true // Do you want to show logging during the deployment
// OR
username: "username", // The user that will deploy the file
password: "password", // The password of the user
tenant: "tenant", // The tenant name. Example: contoso
absoluteUrl: "https://tenant.sharepoint.com/sites/catalog", // Absolute path to the app catalog site
skipFeatureDeployment: true, // Do you want to skip the feature deployment (SharePoint Framework)
verbose: true // Do you want to show logging during the deployment
// OR
username: "username", // The user that will deploy the file
password: "password", // The password of the user
absoluteUrl: "https://sharepoint.contoso.com/sites/catalog", // Absolute path to the app catalog site
sp2016: true // SharePoint 2016 On-Prem
verbose: true // Do you want to show logging during the deployment
Arguments / options
The following arguments / options can be passed for deploying the package.
username (required)
Type: String
Default: ""
Sets the username to be used for the deployment.
password (required)
Type: String
Default: ""
Sets the password to be used for the deployment.
tenant (optional)
Type: String
Default: ""
Sets the tenant name to be used for the deployment. Example: https://<tenant>
Important: You have to specify this property or the absoluteUrl property
site (optional)
Type: String
Default: ""
Specify the relative path to the app catalog site. Example: "sites/catalog"
Important: You have to specify this property or the absoluteUrl property
absoluteUrl (optional)
Type: String
Default: ""
Sets the absoluteUrl to the app catalog site that needs to be used for the deployment. Example: https://tenant.sharepoint.com/sites/catalog
Important: You have to specify this property or the combination tenant and site property.
filename (required)
Type: String
Default: ""
The name of the package that needs to be deployed.
skipFeatureDeployment (optional)
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Specify if you want to skip feature deployment. When set to true, your customizations will be tenant-scoped.
More information about the skipFeatureDeployment option can be found here: Tenant-Scoped solution deployment for SharePoint Framework solutions.
sp2016 (optional)
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Specify if this is SP2016 on-prem.
filename (optional)
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Specify if you want to show the console logs.
Where can this be used?
This dependency can for example be used in your SharePoint Framework release process. Here is a sample gulp task that you can add to your SPFx project:
const sppkgDeploy = require('node-sppkg-deploy');
const environmentInfo = {
"username": "",
"password": "",
"tenant": "",
"catalogSite": ""
build.task('sppkg-deploy', {
execute: (config) => {
environmentInfo.username = config.args['username'] || environmentInfo.username;
environmentInfo.password = config.args['password'] || environmentInfo.password;
environmentInfo.tenant = config.args['tenant'] || environmentInfo.tenant;
environmentInfo.catalogSite = config.args['catalogsite'] || environmentInfo.catalogSite;
const pkgFile = require('./config/package-solution.json');
if (pkgFile) {
// Retrieve the filename from the package solution config file
let filename = pkgFile.paths.zippedPackage;
// Remove the solution path from the filename
filename = filename.split('/').pop();
// Retrieve the skip feature deployment setting from the package solution config file
const skipFeatureDeployment = pkgFile.solution.skipFeatureDeployment ? pkgFile.solution.skipFeatureDeployment : false;
// Deploy the SharePoint package
return sppkgDeploy.deploy({
username: environmentInfo.username,
password: environmentInfo.password,
tenant: environmentInfo.tenant,
site: environmentInfo.catalogSite,
filename: filename,
skipFeatureDeployment: skipFeatureDeployment,
verbose: true
Once this task is in place, you can run it with: gulp sppkg-deploy
or gulp sppkg-deploy --username "" --password "" --tenant "" --catalogsite ""
More information about using arguments in SPFx gulp tasks can be found here: Passing arguments with custom Gulp tasks for SharePoint Framework projects.
Output of the task: