djanta.io initiative that help developer for auto generate the platform dependent .djanta-rc.json
djantaJS initiative that help developer for auto generate the platform dependent .djanta-rc.json.
Getting Started
The djantajs core annotation compile provide the main entry point which'll be use all across you contribution to extract and compilet your bundle annotation
npm i @djanta/djantajs-compiler-core --save[-S]
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be able to require any of provided tools as follow:
let { Compiler, Handler, Serializable, Annotation } = require('@djanta/djantajs-compiler-core')
or as follow to import the module context:
let compiler = require('@djanta/djantajs-compiler-core')
How to implement a specific annotation
This component has provided the easiest way to implement your own annotation component. Therefore, you'll simply need to implelent the given interface
let { Annotation, Serializable } = require('@djanta/djantajs-compiler-core');
* Default class level documentation
* @type MySerializableAnnotation
module.exports = class MySerializableAnnotation extends Serializable {
* The possible target retention
* (Annotation.DEFINITION, Annotation.CONSTRUCTOR, Annotation.PROPERTY, Annotation.METHOD)
* @type {Array}
static get targets () {
return [Annotation.DEFINITION];
* The class default qualified contrustor.
* @param {{}} data the annotation input data extracted from the target source
* @param {string} filePath the source file where the annotation data has been extracted from
constructor (data, filePath) {
super(data, filePath)
* This method is mandatory and must return the given annotation litteral name
* @return {string} Returns the annotation name.
get annotationName () {
return 'MySerializableAnnotation';
* User provided property with aim to set the <code>name</code> property throught the annotation
* @param {string} name the given annotation name.
set name (name) {
this._name = name;
* Returns the annotation <code>name</code> property set throught the annotation
* @return {string} Returns the <code>name</code> property set via the annotation
get name () {
return this._name;
* Mandatory rendered method which must return the annottion serialized context
* @return {*} Returns the annotation serialized context.
get serialize () {
let self = this;
return {
name: self.name,
comment: 'Anything i want here or read from class property'
Expected instance properties (Options)
Type: Property
Default value: ``
Required: true
A string value that will difine the logical annotation name.
Type: Property
Default value: ``
Required: true
The serialize property not an instance method will be called at the rendering.
Expected class static properties (Options)
Type: Array
Default value: [Annotation.DEFINITION, Annotation.CONSTRUCTOR, Annotation.PROPERTY, Annotation.METHOD]
required: true
An array string value which'll be used to locate your annotation retention.
Usage Examples
Here's the usage of the MySerializableAnnotation
* @MySerializableAnnotation(name='MyFirstAnnotation')
module.exports = class ImDeveloper {
* Qualified default class constructor
* @Constructor
constructor () {}
Rendering result
"name": "MyFirstAnnotation",
"comment": "Anything i want here or read from class property"
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Therefore, please follow the nested instructions
- Fork repository
- Update source code
- Update README.md and the changelog.md
This package will be maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines as much as possible. Releases will be numbered with the following format: