The JavaScript core package is where all other JS packages are built off of. If you have a custom implementation that doesn't fit in the other libraries, use the core package.
The JavaScript core package is where all other JS packages are built off of. If you have a custom implementation that doesn't fit in the other libraries, use the core package.
1. Installation
npm install @discolytics/core
2. Get API Key
Under the API Keys tab of your dashboard, create a new API key. Copy this key and your bot ID to connect within your codebase.
3. Example Usage
Initiate the client library in your codebase. Enter your bot ID and API key from the previous step to connect, as well as your bot token under the token option. The example code below showcases how to connect and the methods you need to implement.
Your bot token is never sent to Discolytics servers. It is used by our client libraries on your machine to make requests to Discord on your behalf for metadata and analytics (such as to request your bot profile, guild count, etc).
const { Discolytics } = require('@discolytics/core');
const discolytics = new Discolytics({
botId: 'YOUR_BOT_ID', // your bot ID from the Discolytics dashboard, not your bot user
auth: `Bot ${process.env.TOKEN}`,
apiKey: process.env.DISCOLYTICS_KEY,
// use discolytics.sendEvent() to send an event. Pass the event name and guild id (optional)
discolytics.sendEvent('MESSAGE_CREATE', 'GUILD_ID');
// use discolytics.postInteraction() to post an interaction. Pass the interaction type and guild id (optional)
discolytics.postInteraction(1, 'GUILD_ID');
// use discolytics.postShards() to send a heartbeat and send an array of shards. If you are clustering your bot, you can also use discolytics.postCluster() which accepts the same arguments.
// valid shard statuses include: 'ready' | 'connecting' | 'reconnecting' | 'resuming' | 'disconnected'
discolytics.postShards([{ id: 0, status: 'ready', latency: 20 }]);
// start a new command with discolytics.startCommand()
const command = discolytics.startCommand({
name: 'help',
userId: '123',
guildId: '123', // optional
setTimeout(() => {
// run the .end() method on the command to end it, posts the command with the calculated duration
}, 5000);
Join our Discord server for help and support.
- https://discord.gg/aDPeJDcumz