Use Deepgram's Text Intelligence API to understand the meaning behind text.
AI Text Intelligence Operation
Analyze text within Directus Flows with this custom operation, powered by Deepgram. Understand intents, sentiment, topics, and generate a summary.
This operation contains two required configuration options - a Deepgram API Key, and some text. It returns a JSON object containing sentiment average and per segment, intent per segment, topics per segment, and an overall summary of the text.
This operation outputs a JSON object with the following structure:
"summary": {
"text": "Jake calls the Honda dealership and speaks with Josh about the new Honda Civic 2023. Jake schedules a test drive for the hybrid model on Friday and provides his contact information. Josh confirms the appointment and tells Jake to call if he has any further questions."
"topics": {
"segments": [
"text": "Hi I'm calling to get a refund on my recent purchase. Sure I'd be happy to help you with that. What was the number for you order?",
"start_word": 0,
"end_word": 26,
"topics": [
{ "topic": "Refund", "confidence_score": 0.91318 },
{ "topic": "Order Number", "confidence_score": 0.95342 }
"intents": {
"segments": [
"text": "I also need to update my address.",
"start_word": 12,
"end_word": 18,
"intents": [
"intent": "Update address",
"confidence_score": 0.6320186
"sentiments": {
"segments": [
"text": "Hi. Thank you for calling from premier phone services.",
"start_word": 0,
"end_word": 8,
"sentiment": "positive",
"sentiment_score": 0.7380304336547852
"average": {
"sentiment": "positive",
"sentiment_score": 0.39790084145285864