Node.js library for the Dintero API
Dintero Node.js SDK
The Dintero Node SDK provides convenient access to the Dintero API from applications written in server-side Javascript
Install the package with:
npm install @dintero/node-sdk
# or
yarn add @dintero/node-sdk
To use the Dintero Node.js SDK, you will need to configure it with your API credentials that can be created in the Dintero Backoffice. These credentials include the Client ID, Client Secret, and Audience, which are required for authenticating your requests to the Dintero API.
Example: Client Setup
You first need to create a client with the required credentials:
import { createClient } from "@dintero/node-sdk";
const client = createClient({
clientId: "your_client_id", // Replace with your actual client ID
clientSecret: "your_client_secret", // Replace with your actual client secret
audience: "https://api.dintero.com/v1/accounts/your_account_id",
export default client;
Example: Session Profile
import { createClient } from "@dintero/node-sdk";
const client = createClient({
clientId: "your_client_id", // Replace with your actual client ID
clientSecret: "your_client_secret", // Replace with your actual client secret
audience: "https://api.dintero.com/v1/accounts/your_account_id",
const sessionProfileResponse = await client.checkout.POST(
body: {
url: {
return_url: "https://example.com", // Replace with actual return URL
order: {
amount: 1000,
currency: "NOK",
items: [
id: "item1",
line_id: "line1",
description: "Item 1",
amount: 1000,
quantity: 1,
vat_amount: 0,
vat: 0,
eligible_for_discount: false,
partial_payment: false,
merchant_reference: "ref123", // Replace with actual merchant reference
profile_id: "default"
console.log("Session Profile Response:", sessionProfileResponse.data);
Example: Fetching Settlement
import { createClient } from "@dintero/node-sdk";
const client = createClient({
clientId: "your_client_id", // Replace with your actual client ID
clientSecret: "your_client_secret", // Replace with your actual client secret
audience: "https://api.dintero.com/v1/accounts/your_account_id",
const settlementsResponse = await client.core.GET(
params: {
path: {
aid: "T12345678",
console.log("Settlements Response:", settlementsResponse.data);
Bugs can be reported to https://github.com/Dintero/Dintero.Node.SDK/issues
Contact us at [email protected]
Building from source
yarn install
yarn run build