EASY Semantic UI React Modals forked from sui-react-ezmodal
Semantic UI React EZModal
Return of the EZ
Back in Meteor land I had a helpful package called EZModal.
Now in react land (semantic-ui-react
land specifically), there was a need for it's return.
npm install --save sui-react-ezmodal
See index.js
for the full component spec
import React, { PropTypes, Component } from 'react';
import { Grid, Segment, Button, Header } from 'semantic-ui-react';
import EZModal from 'sui-react-ezmodal';
class NetworkConfig extends Component {
render() {
return (
initiallyOpens // initially open?
// required trigger element
trigger={<Button basic icon="plus" content="Do Something Cool" />}
// optional data to be passed to content & actions
data={{ name: 'bobby' }}
// required content element with props passed
// `data` is original passed data, `formData` is component state for controlled inputs
content={({ data, formData, change, resetFormData, setError, setLoading }) => {
return (
<Form.Group widths="equal">
<Button type="submit" className="hidden" />
<label>Provider Name</label>
<Input onChange={change} value={formData.name || ''} name="name" />
<Button onClick={resetFormData} text="Reset" />
// optional bool to show spinner overlay
// optional actions, hide/submit event handlers passed as props
actions={({ hide, submit }) => {
return [
<Button onClick={hide} key="close" icon="remove" floated="left" content="Cancel" />,
<Button onClick={submit} key="submit" icon="checkmark" color="green" content="OK" />,
// optional title header
header="This is my new Modal"
// callback function after submit. if you return a promise, it will resolve before closing
handleSubmit={(data) => console.log(data)}
// optional delete button, instead of `actions`
handleRemove={(data) => console.log('deleting!', data)}
removeHeader="Are you sure?"
removeContent={(data) => {
return <p>Really remove {data.name}?</p>
MIT 2016