This is a Strapi plugin connect and authenticate users using firebase
Strapi Plugin Firebase Authentication
Welcome to the Strapi plugin for Firebase Authentication! This plugin seamlessly integrates Firebase Authentication with your Strapi Headless CMS, allowing you to manage and authenticate Firebase users directly from the Strapi moderation panel. This guide will take you through the installation and configuration process and provide information on how to use this plugin with iOS and Android apps. This plugin would be enabled by default for super admins only.
How it works
The Firebase Auth plugin works by authenticating users using Firebase Authentication. Once a user is authenticated, the plugin creates a Strapi user account for them if it doesn't already exist. The plugin also syncs the user's Firebase data with their Strapi account.
Table of Contents
To get started, you need to install the Firebase Auth plugin for Strapi. We recommend using yarn for this installation.
Via Command Line
yarn add @swensonhe/strapi-plugin-firebase-auth
Once the installation is complete, you must rebuild your Strapi instance. You can do this with the following commands:
yarn build
yarn develop
Alternatively, you can run Strapi in development mode with the --watch-admin
yarn develop --watch-admin
The Firebase Auth plugin should now be available in the Plugins section of your Strapi sidebar.
In order to configure the Firebase Auth plugin, follow these steps:
Step 1 - Enable the Plugin
In your Strapi project, edit the config/plugins.js
or config/<env>/plugins.js
file to enable the Firebase Auth
plugin. If the file doesn't exist, create it manually. If you already have configurations for other plugins, add
the firebase-auth
section to your existing plugins
To ensure the security of sensitive information, we have implemented a robust encryption process for the Firebase config JSON file in this project. The encrypted data is then stored as a hash in the database. Follow the steps below to set up and integrate Firebase with Strapi securely.
module.exports = () => ({
// ...
"firebase-auth": {
enabled: true,
// ...
Replace "encryptMe"
with a strong and secure key. This key will be used in the encryption and decryption process.
Step 2: Firebase Configuration Encryption and Integration with Strapi
To ensure the security of sensitive information, we have implemented a robust encryption process for the Firebase config JSON file in this project. The encrypted data is then stored as a hash in the database. Follow the steps below to set up and integrate Firebase with Strapi securely.
Step 1: Obtain Firebase Service Account Key
Navigate to the Firebase Console and access your project. In the settings, locate the service account section and download the JSON key file. This file contains sensitive information required for Firebase Authentication.
Step 2: Submit Service Account Key in Strapi Settings
Access the Strapi admin panel and navigate to the settings page. Look for the section related to Firebase integration. Here, you will find an option to submit the .json
service account key file. Upload the file you obtained in Step 2.
This service account key is essential for proper authentication with Firebase. It contains the necessary credentials for your Firebase project.
Step 3: Save Changes
After submitting the service account key, make sure to save the changes in the Strapi settings. This ensures that the encrypted configuration is stored securely in the database.
the .json
service account key file.
This key is essential for Firebase Authentication to work properly.
Step 4 - Rebuild Admin Panel
After configuring the plugin, rebuild the Strapi admin panel:
npm run build
Alternatively, you can simply delete the existing ./build
Step 5 - Grant Public Permissions
From the Strapi admin panel, navigate to "Users-permissions" and grant public role
to {Your domain or localhost}/admin/settings/users-permissions/roles/2
. Make sure to enable public access to the
Firebase Authentication endpoint.
That's it! You're ready to use Firebase Authentication in your Strapi project. Enjoy! 🎉
Handling User Information
To ensure proper handling of user information, make sure to include the following fields in the user object:
is the field that maps firebase user object to strapi user object.
These fields can be populated during the creation of the user object if profileMetaData
is provided.
Using firebase-auth
When interacting with the firebase-auth
endpoint, use the following JSON structure in the request body:
"idToken": "{{idToken}}",
"profileMetaData": {
"firstName": "name",
"lastName": "name",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phoneNumber" : "+100000000"
These values will be utilized only when the user does not exist and will be ignored in other cases.
Hint for strapiKMM SDK Users
If you are using our strapiKMM SDK
, which is fully compatible with the plugin, user information will be populated automatically when signing in with Google or Apple. You don't need to manually handle these fields when using the SDK.
These values will be applied only when the user is being created for the first time. If the user already exists, the provided data will be ignored, and the existing user information will be retained.
Client Links and Token Retrieval
To enable Firebase Authentication in your iOS, Android, or web app and obtain authentication tokens, follow the provided links and their brief descriptions:
Android Firebase Setup: Link
Set up Firebase Authentication in your Android app by following the instructions on this page. It will guide you through integrating Firebase into your Android project.
iOS Firebase Setup: Link
For iOS app integration, this link will lead you to Firebase's official documentation. It outlines the steps to add Firebase Authentication to your iOS project.
Web Firebase Setup: Link
If you're looking to incorporate Firebase Authentication into your web application, this link provides comprehensive guidance on setting up Firebase in a web project. It's an essential resource for web-based authentication using Firebase.
Client setup
Android Sample:
- To set up Google Sign-In on Android, follow the official Firebase documentation: Android Firebase Authentication with Google
- After signing with Google,you need to get the GoogleAuthProvider Credential and pass it to firebaseSDK to be able to get the user token
- Sample Code:
// Obtain an ID token from Google. Use it to authenticate with Firebase.
val firebaseCredential = GoogleAuthProvider.getCredential(idToken, null)
.addOnCompleteListener(this) { task ->
if (task.isSuccessful) {
val token = it.result?.token
// Now, you can pass the token to the Firebase plugin by exchanging the Firebase Token using the `/firebase-auth` endpoint.
} else {
// If the sign-in fails, display a message to the user.
Log.w(TAG, "signInWithCredential:failure", task.exception)
iOS Sample:
For iOS, use the Firebase Authentication with Google Sign-In guide: iOS Firebase Authentication with Google
After signing with Google,you need to get the GoogleAuthProvider Credential and pass it to firebaseSDK to be able to get the user token
Sample Code:
guard let clientID = FirebaseApp.app()?.options.clientID else { return }
// Create Google Sign In configuration object.
let config = GIDConfiguration(clientID: clientID)
GIDSignIn.sharedInstance.configuration = config
// Start the sign in flow!
GIDSignIn.sharedInstance.signIn(withPresenting: self) { [unowned self] result, error in
guard error == nil else {
// ...
guard let user = result?.user,
let idToken = user.idToken?.tokenString
else {
// ...
let credential = GoogleAuthProvider.credential(withIDToken: idToken,
accessToken: user.accessToken.tokenString)
// ...
Auth.auth().signIn(with: credential) { result, error in
// At this point, our user is signed in
// Now you need to pass the token to firebasePlugin using exchange the firebase Token using `/firebase-auth` endpoint
Web Sample:
- To set up Firebase Authentication with Google Sign-In on the web, follow this Firebase documentation: Web Firebase Authentication with Google
- After signing with Google,you need to get the GoogleAuthProvider Credential and pass it to firebaseSDK to be able to get the user token
- Sample Code:
import { getAuth, signInWithPopup, GoogleAuthProvider } from "firebase/auth";
const auth = getAuth();
signInWithPopup(auth, provider)
.then((result) => {
// This gives you a Google Access Token. You can use it to access the Google API.
const credential = GoogleAuthProvider.credentialFromResult(result);
const token = credential.accessToken;
// The signed-in user info.
const user = result.user;
// IdP data available using getAdditionalUserInfo(result)
// ...
}).catch((error) => {
// Handle Errors here.
const errorCode = error.code;
const errorMessage = error.message;
// The email of the user's account used.
const email = error.customData.email;
// The AuthCredential type that was used.
const credential = GoogleAuthProvider.credentialFromError(error);
// ...
These samples will guide you on how to implement Google Sign-In and obtain the authentication token, which you can then
pass to the Firebase plugin for user authentication using /firebase-auth
For More Samples:
If you need additional samples for authentication methods like Sign-In with Apple, Email and Password, or others, please refer to the official Firebase documentation for comprehensive details:
Short Links to Specific Authentication Methods:
Sign-In with Apple: To ensure a smooth user login experience with Apple authentication, it’s essential to include the appleEmail field in the user object within the Strapi dashboard.
Email and Password Authentication:
These short links will take you directly to Firebase's official documentation pages for each authentication method, where you can find in-depth information and code samples.
Questions and Issues
Please provide any feedback via a GitHub Issue.