Javascript library for generating and working with BLS12-381 (BBS) key pairs.
Bls12381Multikey Key Pair Library (@digitalbazaar/bls12-381-multikey)
JavaScript library for using Bls12381Multikey key pairs with BBS
Table of Contents
For use with:
crypto suite (withjsonld-signatures
See also (related specs):
As with most security- and cryptography-related tools, the overall security of your system will largely depend on your design decisions.
- Node.js 18+ is required.
To install locally (for development):
git clone https://github.com/digitalbazaar/bls12-381-multikey.git
cd bls12-381-multikey
npm install
Generating a new public/secret key pair for use with BBS signatures
To generate a new public/secret key pair for use with BBS signatures:
{string} [algorithm]
[Required] Algorithm to be used with the key pair: ['BBS-BLS12-381-SHA-256'].{string} [id]
[Optional] ID for the generated key.{string} [controller]
[Optional] Controller URI or DID to initialize the generated key. (This will be used to generateid
if it is not explicitly defined.)
import * as Bls12381Multikey from '@digitalbazaar/bls12-381-multikey';
const keyPair = await Bls12381Multikey.generateBbsKeyPair({
algorithm: Bls12381Multikey.ALGORITHMS.BBS_BLS12381_SHA256
Importing a key pair from storage
To create an instance of a public/secret key pair from data imported from
storage, use .from()
const serializedKeyPair = { ... };
const keyPair = await Bls12381Multikey.from(serializedKeyPair);
Exporting the public key only
To export just the public key of a pair:
await keyPair.export({publicKey: true});
// ->
type: 'Multikey',
id: 'did:example:1234#zUC7GMwWWkA5UMTx7Gg6sabmpchWgq8p1xGhUXwBiDytY8BgD6eq5AmxNgjwDbAz8Rq6VFBLdNjvXR4ydEdwDEN9L4vGFfLkxs8UsU3wQj9HQGjQb7LHWdRNJv3J1kGoA3BvnBv',
controller: 'did:example:1234',
publicKeyMultibase: 'zUC7GMwWWkA5UMTx7Gg6sabmpchWgq8p1xGhUXwBiDytY8BgD6eq5AmxNgjwDbAz8Rq6VFBLdNjvXR4ydEdwDEN9L4vGFfLkxs8UsU3wQj9HQGjQb7LHWdRNJv3J1kGoA3BvnBv'
Exporting the full public-secret key pair
To export the full key pair, including secret key (warning: this should be a carefully considered operation, best left to dedicated Key Management Systems):
await keyPair.export({publicKey: true, secretKey: true});
// ->
type: 'Multikey',
id: 'did:example:1234#zUC7GMwWWkA5UMTx7Gg6sabmpchWgq8p1xGhUXwBiDytY8BgD6eq5AmxNgjwDbAz8Rq6VFBLdNjvXR4ydEdwDEN9L4vGFfLkxs8UsU3wQj9HQGjQb7LHWdRNJv3J1kGoA3BvnBv',
controller: 'did:example:1234',
publicKeyMultibase: 'zUC7GMwWWkA5UMTx7Gg6sabmpchWgq8p1xGhUXwBiDytY8BgD6eq5AmxNgjwDbAz8Rq6VFBLdNjvXR4ydEdwDEN9L4vGFfLkxs8UsU3wQj9HQGjQb7LHWdRNJv3J1kGoA3BvnBv',
secretKeyMultibase: 'z488vexJQSQ2rF5GrCT8qhzGR7ASSj5rx6CtZjKNFq183woF'
Creating a BBS signature using a signer
In order to perform a cryptographic signature, you need to create a
instance and call multisign()
on it.
const keyPair = Bls12381Multikey.generateBbsKeyPair({
algorithm: 'BBS-BLS12-381-SHA-256'
const signer = keyPair.signer();
// header is a Uint8Array
const header = new Uint8Array();
// message is an array of Uint8Arrays
const messages = [new TextEncoder().encode('test data goes here')];
// creates a BBS signature over the messages expressed in a Uint8Array
const signature = await signer.multisign({header, messages});
Deriving a BBS proof from a BBS signature
Derive a proof from a BBS signature as a holder / prover.
// no `secretKey` needs to be present on `keyPair` to derive a proof, only
// the `publicKey` is required
// pass original signer's `publicKey`, `signature`, `header`, and `messages`
// as well as a custom `presentationHeader` and any `disclosedMessageIndexes`
const proof = await keyPair.deriveProof({
signature, header, messages,
presentationHeader: new Uint8Array(),
disclosedMessageIndexes: [1]
// `proof` is a `Uint8Array` containing a BBS proof
Verifying a BBS proof using a verifier
In order to verify a BBS proof, you need to create a verifier
and call multiverify()
on it.
const verifier = keyPair.verifier();
const verified = await verifier.multiverify({
proof, header,
// leave holes for messages that were not disclosed
messages: [undefined, messages[1]]
// returns `true` or `false`
See the contribute file!
PRs accepted.
If editing the Readme, please conform to the standard-readme specification.
Commercial Support
Commercial support for this library is available upon request from Digital Bazaar: [email protected]
New BSD License (3-clause) © 2023 Digital Bazaar