A CLI designed to facilitate the installation of the DigiFi Loan Origination System
DigiFi Loan Origination System CLI
Command Line Interface tool for simple installation of the DigiFi Loan Origination System.
Getting Started
To install this module, run:
npm i @digifi-los/digifi-los-cli -g
To create a local copy of the DigiFi Loan Origination System, simply run the following after installing the digifi-los-cli
$ digifi-los-cli -i
This command will create the project folder in your current working directory and install all necessary dependencies to run the application.
Running the project locally
If all the required database connections and other 3rd party connections are properly set up, run $ npm start development
to run the DigiFi Loan Origination System locally.
Once the installation is complete, make sure that you have the other requirements in order to start running the application locally. More information on the prerequisites to running the DigiFi Loan Origination System as well as the overall installation and setup process can be found in DigiFi's documentation here: DigiFi Open Source Documentation