Contains PDF player library components powered by angular. These components are designed to be used in sunbird consumption platforms *(mobile app, web portal, offline desktop app)* to drive reusability, maintainability hence reducing the redundant develop
Pdf player library for Sunbird platform!
Contains PDF player library components powered by angular. These components are designed to be used in sunbird consumption platforms (mobile app, web portal, offline desktop app) to drive reusability, maintainability hence reducing the redundant development effort significantly.
Getting Started
For help getting started with a new Angular app, check out the Angular CLI. For existing apps, follow these steps to begin using .
Step 1: Install the packages
npm install @project-sunbird/sunbird-pdf-player-v9 --save
npm install @project-sunbird/sb-styles --save
npm install @project-sunbird/client-services --save
Step 2: Include the sb-styles and assets in angular.json
"styles": [
Add following under architect.build.assets
"build": {
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser",
"options": {
"assets": [
"glob": "**/*.*",
"input": "./node_modules/@project-sunbird/sunbird-pdf-player-v9/lib/assets/",
"output": "/assets/"
"styles": [
Step 3: Import the modules and components
Import the NgModule where you want to use:
import { SunbirdPdfPlayerModule } from '@project-sunbird/sunbird-pdf-player-v9';
imports: [SunbirdPdfPlayerModule],
export class TestAppModule { }
Step 4: Send input to render PDF player
Use the mock config in your component to send input to PDF player Click to see the mock - playerConfig
Player config
var playerConfig = {
"context": {
"mode": "play", // To identify preview used by the user to play/edit/preview
"authToken": "", // Auth key to make api calls
"sid": "7283cf2e-d215-9944-b0c5-269489c6fa56", // User sessionid on portal or mobile
"did": "3c0a3724311fe944dec5df559cc4e006", // Unique id to identify the device or browser
"uid": "anonymous", // Current logged in user id
"channel": "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d", // Unique id of the channel(Channel ID)
"pdata": {
"id": "sunbird.portal", // Producer ID. For ex: For sunbird it would be "portal" or "genie"
"ver": "3.2.12", // Version of the App
"pid": "sunbird-portal.contentplayer" // Optional. In case the component is distributed, then which instance of that component
"contextRollup": { // Defines the content roll up data
"l1": "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d"
"tags": [ // Defines the tags data
"cdata": [], // Defines correlation data
"timeDiff": 0, // Defines the time difference
"objectRollup": {}, // Defines the object roll up data
"host": "", // Defines the from which domain content should be load
"endpoint": "", // Defines the end point
"userData": { // Defines the user data firstname & lastname
"firstName": "",
"lastName": ""
"config": {
"sideMenu": {
"showShare": true, // show/hide share button in side menu. default value is true
"showDownload": true, // show/hide download button in side menu. default value is true
"showReplay": true, // show/hide replay button in side menu. default value is true
"showExit": false, // show/hide exit button in side menu. default value is false
"showPrint": true // show/hide print button in side menu. default value is true
"metadata": {}, // Content metadata json object (from API response take -> response.result.content)
Telemetry property description
|Property Name| Description| Default Value
| context
| It is an object
it contains the uid
etc., these will be logged inside the telemetry | {}
| mode
| It is string
to identify preview used by the user to play/edit/preview | play
| authToken
| It is string
and Auth key to make api calls | ''
| sid
| It is string
and User sessionid on portal or mobile | ''
| did
| It is string
and Unique id to identify the device or browser| ''
| uid
| It is string
and Current logged in user id| ''
| channel
| It is string
which defines channel identifier to know which channel is currently using.| in.sunbird
| pdata
| It is an object
which defines the producer information it should have identifier and version and canvas will log in the telemetry| {'id':'in.sunbird', 'ver':'1.0'}
| contextRollup
| It is an object
which defines content roll up data | {}
| tags
| It is an array
which defines the tag data | []
| objectRollup
| It is an object
which defines object rollup data | {}
| host
| It is string
which defines the from which domain content should be load|window.location.origin
| userData
| It is an object
which defines user data | {}
| cdata
| It is an array
which defines the correlation data | []
Config property description
|Property Name| Description| Default Value
| config
| It is an object
it contains the sideMenu
, these will be used to configure the canvas | { sideMenu: {"showShare": true, "showDownload": true, "showReplay": true, "showExit": false,"showPrint": true}}
| config.sideMenu.showShare
| It is boolean
to show/hide share button in side menu| true
| config.sideMenu.showDownload
| It is boolean
to show/hide download button in side menu| true
| config.sideMenu.showReplay
| It is boolean
to show/hide replay button in side menu| true
| config.sideMenu.showExit
| It is boolean
to show/hide exit button in side menu| false
| config.sideMenu.showPrint
| It is boolean
to show/hide print button in side menu| true
| metadata
| It is an object
which defines content metadata json object (from API response take -> response.result.content) | {}
Available components
|Feature| Notes| Selector|Code|Input|Output
| PDF Player | Can be used to render pdf | sunbird-pdf-player| <sunbird-pdf-player [playerConfig]="playerConfig"><sunbird-pdf-player>
|playerConfig|playerEvent, telemetryEvent|
Use as web components
Any web application can use this library as a web component. It accepts couple of inputs and triggers some events back to the application.
Follow below-mentioned steps to use it in plain javascript project:
Insert library as below:
<script type="text/javascript" src="sunbird-pdf-player.js"></script>
Get sample playerConfig from here: playerConfig
Create a custom html element:
const pdfElement = document.createElement('sunbird-pdf-player');
Pass data using
pdfElement.setAttribute('player-config', JSON.stringify(playerConfig));
Note: Attribute name should be in kebab-case regardless of the actual Attribute name used in the Angular app. The value of the attribute should be in string type, as web-component does not accept any objects or arrays.
Listen for the output events: playerEvent and telemetryEvent
pdfElement.addEventListener('playerEvent', (event) => { console.log("On playerEvent", event); }); pdfElement.addEventListener('telemetryEvent', (event) => { console.log("On telemetryEvent", event); });
Append this element to existing element
const myPlayer = document.getElementById("my-player"); myPlayer.appendChild(pdfPlayerElement);
Refer demo example
To run the project, use the following command:
npm run build-web-component http-server --cors web-component .
open Note: There are some request for which we need to run this on server, so we need to run this on server for demo purpose we are using http-server.