Material UI components for Dialob fill
Dialob Fill Components for Material UI
Application Setup
Add dependency
yarn add @dialob/fill-material
Following peer dependencies need to be installed:
"@date-io/date-fns": "^2.11.*",
"@dialob/fill-api": "^1.4.*",
"@dialob/fill-react": "^3.1.*",
"@mui/icons-material": "^5.11.0",
"@mui/material": "^5.11.0",
"@mui/system": "^5.11.0",
"@mui/x-date-pickers": "^5.0.12",
"date-fns": "^2.0.0",
"react-intl": "^5.20.*",
"react-markdown": "^7.0.*",
"react-number-format": "^4.7.*"
Dialob component wrapper
One possibility to implement
import React from 'react';
import {Session as DialobSession } from '@dialob/fill-api';
import {MaterialDialob, DefaultView} from '@dialob/fill-material';
import {Item} from './Item';
export interface DialobProps {
session: DialobSession | null;
locale: string;
export const Dialob: React.FC<DialobProps> = ({session, locale}) => {
return (
session &&
<MaterialDialob session={session} locale={locale}>
{ items => items.map(id => (<Item id={id} key={id} />))}
is a component that renders an actual fill component depending on item's properties. You have to provide your own depending on application needs. (See example here: https://git.resys.io/dialob/dialob-fill-material-demo/-/blob/master/src/dialob/Item.tsx (needs better docs))
Component types
Following components are exported
Boolean, checkbox style<BooleanRadio>
Boolean, radiobutton style (Yes/No)<BreadCrumbs>
Default implementation of breadcrumbs navigator<Choice>
Choice dropdown<ChoiceAC>
Choice dropdown with autocomplete<DateField>
Date field<DefaultView>
Default implementation of root view of Dialob form<Group>
Group, supports 'columns' optional properties, max 4 columns<MultiChoice>
Multi-choice, checbkox list style<MultiChoiceAC>
Multi-choice, dropdown autocomplete style<Note>
Number field, boolean propinteger
controls if decimals are supported or not<Page>
Questionnaire root element<RowGroup>
Row group<Row>
Row for Row group<Text>
Text field<TextBox>
Multi-line text field<TimeField>
Time field<SurveyGroup>
Survey group<Survey>
Survey item. NB! Survey item shouldn't be directly created, it is created by SurveyGroup.<GroupContext>
Group context provider<RowGroupContext>
Rowgroup context provider, containsrowGroup
attribute for containing row grouprenderErrors(errors:FillError[])
Helper function to render filling validation errors in unified manner, usable for example<TextField helperText={}
with filling validation errors.
(This needs improvement)
Customising MaterialDialob component
In case of using default MaterialDialob component, errors and descriptions can be overridden using "components props" that currently supports errors and description.
In case of overriding default MaterialDialob, ConfigContext needs to be used to provide error and description configuration.
To override built-in translation messages, use messages
prop for MaterialDialob component with a key-value object (see intl/en.ts for example).
Currently supports some options for component customisations:
- errors: Converts fill api errors into a React component that is shown as "helper text".
- description: Converts text used in Dialob "description" option into Markdown-based React component.
- breadCrumbs: Renders breadcrumbs-style navigation component on top of a questionnaire page.
Example MaterialDialob with ConfigContext:
export const MaterialDialob: React.FC<MaterialDialobProps> = ({ session, locale, children, components }) => {
const errors = (items: FillError[]) => components?.errors ? components.errors(items) : <DefaultRenderErrors errors={items} />;
const description = (text: string) => components?.description ? components.description(text) : <MarkdownView text={text} />;
const breadCrumbs = (items: string[], canNavigate: boolean, activeItem?: string,) => components?.breadCrumbs ? components.breadCrumbs(items, canNavigate, activeItem) : <BreadCrumbs items={items} canNavigate={canNavigate} activeItem={activeItem} />
return (
<ConfigContext.Provider value={{errors, description, breadCrumbs}} >
<Session key={session.id} session={session} locale={locale}>
<IntlProvider locale={session.getLocale() || locale} messages={messages[locale]}>
Missing features
- Network / service error handling
- Default
implementation for convenience