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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




A tool for JSON parse and stringify by stream and web worker.






configurableflagslogguidcommanderflatMapwhatwgexpressiontypedscheme-validationcharacterrm -rfuuidramdaWebSockettelephoneassertmakewarningieES5eslint-pluginsetPrototypeOfESnextweaksetformgetterspinnerES2015extendbyteOffsethttpsmiddlewarees-abstractinstallerstyletrimStartnumberRxJS.envflagjson-schema-validationexpresstypesafebootstrap csstypescriptmulti-packagebuffersharmonyfantasy-landprototypeconfigzodcompilervalidateapieast-asian-widthnodesigintpropformatfigletsharedfiledependency manageridlesanitizeECMAScript 6symbolscheckslicetoStringTagsameValueZerochildYAMLgroupdescriptionECMAScript 7domhooks0bindhttpclassnamesuninstallshebangcallstableinternalredux-toolkitbreakmomentclass-validatorfolder6to5SymbolexebyteLengthanimationfindvarInt16Arraypipermpushreact-hooksstatelessfull-widthObject.definePropertynodejscall-boundgesturestouchpropertylrutraversecryptoenvtranspilerutilsfastcopywhicheslintpluginFloat32ArrayRegExp#flagsdiffratelimitregular expressionincludesuser-streamsparserwebsiteES3yupObject.keysrmdirdatajesttranspileregularfinduperrorspinnerswordbreaktextreact poseES2022Uint8ClampedArrayinferencextermfindLastpackage.jsonpureoperating-systemshellboundprotoqueryprefixES2023yamlString.prototype.matchAllstylingCSScoreURLdefinePropertycolumnprivateMicrosoftES2018ArrayBufferdragmatchArraysetImmediatebytethroattc39indicatorprettyES8Object.valuesio-tsnopejoitacitclonebcryptmapBigInt64ArraycallboundwatchdataviewtestdefaultES2019fromrm -frloggerconsumerandomlaunchtrimRightInt8Arrayjapanesefunctionallengthregular expressionschromiumserializerString.prototype.trimdataViewcolorsfindLastIndexwraplanguagemime-dbairbnbcjktslibtypestypeofReactiveExtensionscommand_.extendbrowserlistframeworkforEachcryptECMAScript 2015TypedArraydefinerangeerrorphonewaittapform-validationmochadescriptorsdirReflect.getPrototypeOfgetintrinsickoreanbundlerexecutablegenericsECMAScript 2022mimetermpopmotionemojichromenegativeconcurrencyECMAScript 5removedeleteObject.isbddsignalcreatepositivesortedsymlinksdependenciesurlsrapiddeep-copycode pointsencryptionequalxhrratees8robustArray.prototype.findLastIndexeverysanitizationtimesyntaxcoerciblearraycodesqsspringjsonpathserializationfast-deep-cloneES7package managertoSortedArray.prototype.includestypanionstarterassertionomitasynces2016Array.prototype.findLastreact animationstylesfastifymovetostringtagreact-testing-libraryjscss variablefastgetapollotypedarrayECMAScript 2019ajvl10nmacosCSSStyleDeclarationes-shim APIjsonutil.inspectcallbindless.jsgetPrototypeOfsidetddstreamprocessartreact-hook-formttyjwtes7eventDispatcherless compilerbrowserArrayBuffer.prototype.sliceTypeScriptStreamconstdescriptordeep-clonethrottleeditordayjsviewless mixinsObject.getPrototypeOfsuperagentJSON-Schemautilityjsdiffsigtermwatcherpoint-freeschemalockfilexssposepersistentwidthisConcatSpreadablemodulees-shimsexit-codemixinssymbolmonorepoupbannerformattingescapelook-updirectoryloadingfastclonevariables in cssnegative zerofile systemeventsstreams2jasminecssimportunicodemetadatajson-schemaextensionsymlinkoptimizerES2021stylesheetPromiseconcatMapappeslintconfigcore-jsreadableslotpackagesignalseschannelclientlettoArrayvalidless cssinstalllibphonenumberIteratordom-testing-librarytoolslinkcollectionajaxoptionregexpreuseinternal slotwritefullwidthkeypolyfillES2017StreamsObject.entriesargvequalityprivate datacontainsarraybuffersetpropertiesURLSearchParamsArray.prototype.flattenloggingtesternamesbatchvalidationemitlinewrappostcss-pluginpyyamlauthcolumnswaapiECMAScript 3bundlingoptimistthreecharactersestreea11ywindowsansiwordwrapArray.prototype.flatframershrinkwrapxdg-openargumentses2018promisedotenvjsonschemajsdomobjRFC-6455hashreduxcallbackinputfetchmodulesObservableselectronfixed-widthnested cssbabelsettingsESavaUint16Arrayexitdebuggerterminaldateawesomesaucestringifymake dirreducerRegExp.prototype.flagsfind-upAsyncIteratorstatussuperstructfast-clonemkdirsshamtypedarraysjsx3dfseventsECMAScript 2023inspectbabel-coreclassesweakmapasciihigher-ordermergecall-bindUnderscorewalkSetdeepcopycss-in-jsdeterministices2015chinesewebbrowserslisttrimEndrecursivelesscomputed-typestypeutilUint8ArraypackagesprunegetopttapekeysWeakSetpicomatchastPushECMAScript 2018ObservabletrimruntimespeedintrinsicECMAScript 2021HyBizerocmdcurlaccessibilityInt32ArraysyntaxerrortypeerrorirqBigUint64ArrayWeakMapassignECMAScript 2020toobjectlasti18nexecmatcheses2017iterateECMAScript 2017wgetdatastructurehandlersentriesUint32Arraybusyvalue



A tool for JSON parse and stringify by stream and web worker.

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To view documentation or get support, visit docs.


Using npm(ES6 module):

Note: @diahkomalasarinpm/veritatis-eaque-temporibus is mainly dependent on from2 and jsonparse.

npm i @diahkomalasarinpm/veritatis-eaque-temporibus

Example for samll data:

Link: [dev source code]

async function testSmall() {

    let obj = {
        a: 123,
        b: 145.67,
        c: 'test中文1',
        d: true,
        f: [11, 'xyz', false, [166, 197, 215]],
        g: {
            ga: 223,
            gb: 245.67,
            gc: 'test中文2',
            gd: [66, 97, 115],
    let arr = [
            a: 123,
            b: 145.67,
            c: 'test中文1',
            d: true,
            f: [11, 'xyz', false, [166, 197, 215]],
            g: {
                ga: 223,
                gb: 245.67,
                gc: 'test中文2',
                gd: [66, 97, 115],

    let jobj = await json.stringify(obj)
    // => {"a":123,"b":145.67,"c":"test中文1","d":true,"f":[11,"xyz",false,[166,197,215]],"g":{"ga":223,"gb":245.67,"gc":"test中文2","gd":[66,97,115]}}

    let jarr = await json.stringify(arr)
    // => [{"a":123,"b":145.67,"c":"test中文1","d":true},{"f":[11,"xyz",false,[166,197,215]],"g":{"ga":223,"gb":245.67,"gc":"test中文2","gd":[66,97,115]}}]

    let robj = await json.parse(jobj)
    // => {
    //     a: 123,
    //     b: 145.67,
    //     c: 'test中文1',
    //     d: true,
    //     f: [ 11, 'xyz', false, [ 166, 197, 215 ] ],
    //     g: { ga: 223, gb: 245.67, gc: 'test中文2', gd: [ 66, 97, 115 ] }
    // }

    let rarr = await json.parse(jarr)
    // => [
    //     { a: 123, b: 145.67, c: 'test中文1', d: true },
    //     {
    //       f: [ 11, 'xyz', false, [Array] ],
    //       g: { ga: 223, gb: 245.67, gc: 'test中文2', gd: [Array] }
    //     }
    // ]

    .catch((err) => {

Example for large data:

Link: [dev source code]

async function testLarge() {

    let n = 700 //7000, 9000
    let lgRows = []
    for (let i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) {
        lgRows.push([i, 23.4, '567', 'abc', true, false, [], {}, [8, 9.01], { a: 12.34, b: 'xyz', i }])
    let lgArr = []
    for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            key: 'k' + i,
            value: {
                a: 123,
                b: 145.67,
                c: 'test中文1',
                d: true,
                f: [11, 'xyz', false, [166, 197, 215]],
                g: {
                    ga: 223,
                    gb: 245.67,
                    gc: 'test中文2',
                    gd: [66, 97, 115],
                    ge: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(lgRows)),

    if (true) {

        try {
            let res = JSON.stringify(lgArr)
            console.log('JSON.stringify(lgArr)', res.length, res.substr(0, 200) + '...')
        catch (err) {
            console.log('JSON.stringify(lgArr) catch', err)
            // n=7000 => catch RangeError: Invalid string length => Out Of Memory
            // n=9000 => FATAL ERROR: MarkCompactCollector: young object promotion failed Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory


    if (true) {

        await json.stringify(lgArr)
            .then((res) => {
                console.log('json.stringify(lgArr) then', res.length, res.substr(0, 200) + '...')
            .catch((err) => {
                console.log('json.stringify(lgArr) catch', err)
                // n=7000 => FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory


    .catch((err) => {

Example for stream:

Link: [dev source code]

async function testStream() {

    async function testStringify() {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

            let fp = './temp-stringify.json'

            let n = 4000 //4000000
            let arr = []
            for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
                    key: 'k' + i,
                    value: {
                        a: 123,
                        b: 145.67,
                        c: 'test中文1',
                        d: true,
                        f: [11, 'xyz', false, [166, 197, 215]],
                        g: {
                            ga: 223,
                            gb: 245.67,
                            gc: 'test中文2',
                            gd: [66, 97, 115],

            let stringifyStream = json.createStringifyStream(arr)

            let writerStream = fs.createWriteStream(fp)

            // //pipe
            // stringifyStream.pipe(writerStream)

            //stringifyStream onData
            stringifyStream.on('data', function(chunk) {
                writerStream.write(chunk, 'UTF8')

            //stringifyStream onEnd
            stringifyStream.on('end', function() {

            //writerStream onFinish
            writerStream.on('finish', function() {
                console.log('writerStream finish')
                let res = fs.readFileSync(fp, 'utf8')
                console.log('res.length', res.length)
                console.log('res', res.substr(0, 200) + '...')

            //writerStream onError
            writerStream.on('error', function(err) {
                console.log('writerStream error', err)


    async function testStringifys() {
        await testStringify()
        // writerStream finish
        // res.length 646894
        // res [{"key":"k1","value":{"a":123,"b":145.67,"c":"test中文1","d":true,"f":[11,"xyz",false,[166,197,215]],"g":{"ga":223,"gb":245.67,"gc":"test中文2","gd":[66,97,115]}}},{"key":"k2","value":{"a":123,"b":145.67,...

    await testStringifys()
        .catch((err) => {

    async function testParse(pre, filter) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

            let fp = './temp-write.json'

            let arr = [
                    key: 'k1',
                    value: {
                        a: 123,
                        b: 145.67,
                        c: 'test中文1',
                        d: true,
                        f: [11, 'xyz', false, [166, 197, 215]],
                        g: {
                            ga: 223,
                            gb: 245.67,
                            gc: 'test中文2',
                            gd: [66, 97, 115],
                    child: [
                        { name: 'child:abc', labels: ['child:label-abc'] },
                        { name: 'child:def', labels: ['child:label-def'] },
                            name: 'child:xyz',
                            query: {
                                labels: ['child:query:label-xyz']
                { name: 'abc', labels: ['label-abc'] },
                { name: 'def', labels: ['label-def'] },
                    name: 'xyz',
                    query: {
                        labels: ['query:label-xyz']

            let jarr = JSON.stringify(arr)

            fs.writeFileSync(fp, jarr, 'utf8')

            let readerStream = fs.createReadStream(fp)

            let parseStream = json.createParseStream(filter)

            let res = []
            parseStream.on('data', function(chunk) {
                console.log(pre, 'parseStream data chunk=', chunk)

            parseStream.on('end', function() {
                console.log(pre, 'parseStream end res', res)

            parseStream.on('error', function(err) {
                console.log(pre, 'parseStream error', err)



    async function testParses() {

        let filter

        filter = '' //default
        console.log('test0', filter)
        await testParse('test0', filter)
        // test0
        // test0 parseStream data chunk= {
        //   value: {
        //     key: 'k1',
        //     value: {
        //       a: 123,
        //       b: 145.67,
        //       c: 'test中文1',
        //       d: true,
        //       f: [Array],
        //       g: [Object]
        //     }
        //   },
        //   key: 0
        // }
        // test0 parseStream data chunk= {
        //   value: { child: [ [Object], [Object], true, false, 2020, [Object] ] },
        //   key: 1
        // }
        // test0 parseStream data chunk= { value: { name: 'abc', labels: [ 'label-abc' ] }, key: 2 }
        // test0 parseStream data chunk= { value: { name: 'def', labels: [ 'label-def' ] }, key: 3 }
        // test0 parseStream data chunk= { value: true, key: 4 }
        // test0 parseStream data chunk= { value: false, key: 5 }
        // test0 parseStream data chunk= { value: -1, key: 6 }
        // test0 parseStream data chunk= { value: { name: 'xyz', query: { labels: [Array] } }, key: 7 }
        // test0 parseStream end res [
        //   { value: { key: 'k1', value: [Object] }, key: 0 },
        //   { value: { child: [Array] }, key: 1 },
        //   { value: { name: 'abc', labels: [Array] }, key: 2 },
        //   { value: { name: 'def', labels: [Array] }, key: 3 },
        //   { value: true, key: 4 },
        //   { value: false, key: 5 },
        //   { value: -1, key: 6 },
        //   { value: { name: 'xyz', query: [Object] }, key: 7 }
        // ]

        filter = '*.labels' //無emit, 只能監聽onData個別處理
        console.log('test1', filter)
        await testParse('test1', filter)
        // test1 *.labels
        // test1 parseStream data chunk= [ 'label-abc' ]
        // test1 parseStream data chunk= [ 'label-def' ]
        // test1 parseStream end res [ [ 'label-abc' ], [ 'label-def' ] ]

        filter = [true, 'labels', { emitPath: true }]
        console.log('test2', filter, 'true=*, 開啟emitPath才能塞回物件取得過濾後結果')
        await testParse('test2', filter)
        // test2 [ true, 'labels', { emitPath: true } ] true=*, 開啟emitPath才能塞回物件取得過濾後結果
        // test2 parseStream data chunk= { value: 'label-abc', path: [ 2, 'labels', 0 ] }
        // test2 parseStream data chunk= { value: 'label-def', path: [ 3, 'labels', 0 ] }
        // test2 parseStream end res [
        //   { value: 'label-abc', path: [ 2, 'labels', 0 ] },
        //   { value: 'label-def', path: [ 3, 'labels', 0 ] }
        // ]

        filter = [{ recurse: true }, 'labels', { emitPath: true }]
        console.log('test3', filter, '開啟recurse代表為任意子節點, 開啟emitPath才能塞回物件取得過濾後結果')
        await testParse('test3', filter)
        // test3 [ { recurse: true }, 'labels', { emitPath: true } ] 開啟recurse代表為任意子節點, 開啟emitPath才能塞回物件取得過濾後結果
        // test3 parseStream data chunk= { value: 'child:label-abc', path: [ 1, 'child', 0, 'labels', 0 ] }
        // test3 parseStream data chunk= { value: 'child:label-def', path: [ 1, 'child', 1, 'labels', 0 ] }
        // test3 parseStream data chunk= {
        // value: 'child:query:label-xyz',
        // path: [ 1, 'child', 5, 'query', 'labels', 0 ]
        // }
        // test3 parseStream data chunk= { value: 'label-abc', path: [ 2, 'labels', 0 ] }
        // test3 parseStream data chunk= { value: 'label-def', path: [ 3, 'labels', 0 ] }
        // test3 parseStream data chunk= { value: 'query:label-xyz', path: [ 7, 'query', 'labels', 0 ] }
        // test3 parseStream end res [
        // { value: 'child:label-abc', path: [ 1, 'child', 0, 'labels', 0 ] },
        // { value: 'child:label-def', path: [ 1, 'child', 1, 'labels', 0 ] },
        // {
        //     value: 'child:query:label-xyz',
        //     path: [ 1, 'child', 5, 'query', 'labels', 0 ]
        // },
        // { value: 'label-abc', path: [ 2, 'labels', 0 ] },
        // { value: 'label-def', path: [ 3, 'labels', 0 ] },
        // { value: 'query:label-xyz', path: [ 7, 'query', 'labels', 0 ] }
        // ]


    await testParses()
        .catch((err) => {

    .catch((err) => {

In a browser(UMD module):

Note: @diahkomalasarinpm/veritatis-eaque-temporibus does not dependent on any package.

[Necessary] Add script for @diahkomalasarinpm/veritatis-eaque-temporibus.

<!-- for basic -->
<script src=""></script>

<!-- for web workers -->
<script src=""></script>

stringify and parse for small data: ex-small.html [source code]

stringifyByStream and parseByStream for small data: ex-small-stream.html [source code]

stringify and parse for large data: ex-large.html [source code]

createParseStream: ex-stream-createParseStream.html [source code] * ReadableStream does not support IE11.

createParseStream with filter: ex-stream-createParseStreamWithFilter.html [source code]

createStringifyStream: ex-stream-createStringifyStream.html [source code] * WritableStream does not support IE11 and Firefox.

stringify and parse for large data in web worker: ex-large-webworker.html [source code] * WebWorkers(from blob) does not support IE11.

console.log('WebWorkers(from blob) does not support IE11')

let json = window['@diahkomalasarinpm/veritatis-eaque-temporibus']

console.log('build data...')

let n = 700 //7000, 9000
let lgRows = []
for (let i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) {
    lgRows.push([i, 23.4, '567', 'abc', true, false, [], {}, [8, 9.01], { a: 12.34, b: 'xyz', i }])
let carr = ''
let arr = []
for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        key: 'k' + i,
        value: {
            a: 123,
            b: 145.67,
            c: 'test中文1',
            d: true,
            f: [11, 'xyz', false, [166, 197, 215]],
            g: {
                ga: 223,
                gb: 245.67,
                gc: 'test中文2',
                gd: [66, 97, 115],
                ge: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(lgRows)),

console.log('build data finish')

let t=0
let timer=setInterval(function(){

let pmArr = json.stringify(arr) 
        console.log('json.stringify(arr) then',res)
        carr = res
        console.log('json.stringify(arr) catch',err)


                console.log('json.parse(carr) then',r)
                console.log('json.parse(carr) catch',err)