dHealth Network - Update connector
dHealth Wallet Plugin: Health to Earn powered by Strava
Health to Earn powered by Strava is a showcase to earn dhealth.dhp
on dHealth Network.
Visit the showcase website for more information here.
Sequence diagram
| dHealth Wallet |
____| Strava OAuth |____
| |----------------| |
| |
|------------| |--------| |------|
| Authorized | | Denied |---->| Done |
|------------| |--------| |------|
|-------------------| |--------------|
| onActivityCreated |---->| isFirst(24h) |
|-------------------| |--------------|
|-----| | |-----| |------|
| Yes |----------|----------| No |---->| Done |
|-----| |-----| |------|
| Send NDAPP Reward |
Components found here
Following components are defined and exported with this library:
| Class | Description |
| --- | --- |
| HealthToEarn
| Mixin that displays a page to initiate the OAuth authentication of supported providers. |
Firebase, and other Cloud Functions providers, lets you configure environment variables. This software requires the following environment configuration:
cd firebase-app
firebase functions:config:set \
dhealth.node="http://dual-01.dhealth.cloud:3000" \
dhealth.account.secret="PRIVATE_KEY_HERE" \
strava.client_id="CID_HERE" \
strava.client_secret="SECRET_HERE" \
strava.verify_token="TOKEN_HERE" \
strava.oauth_url="OAUTH_URL_HERE" \
strava.subscribe_url="SUBSCRIBE_URL_HERE" \
Please, replace PRIVATE_KEY_HERE
with the private key of the payer account. This account will send rewards to users when they register activities on Strava. Also, replace CID_HERE
with your Strava App Client ID and SECRET_HERE
with your Strava App Client Secret. You can find your Strava Client ID and Client Secret pair in your Strava Dashboard under My API Application
. Then, generate a random verification token and replace TOKEN_HERE
with the randomly generate verification token.
Finally, replace CALLBACK_URL_HERE
with your Webhook URL, this must be the URL that handles Strava webhook events (i.e. /webhook cloud function). Then, replace OAUTH_URL_HERE
with the redirection URL that catches successful Strava OAuth authorization callbacks (i.e. /link cloud function) and also replace SUBSCRIBE_URL_HERE
with the URL that handles Webhook subscription creation (i.e. /subscribe cloud function).
Service Accounts
This project requires to use a service account in to give the backend permissions in Firestore. A service account can be created in Project Settings > Service Accounts. After you click Generate a new private key, you will receive a .json
file that contains the service account credential.
:warning: Do not share this file and do not check it in a repository of any sort.
After downloading the credential file, move it inside the firebase-app directory:
mv path/to/credential.json firebase-app/functions/.firebaseAuth.json
:warning: Note that the path and filename firebase-app/functions/.firebaseAuth.json
must be respected, otherwise Firebase will not allow to read and write in Firestore.
Strava webhook subscription
After deploying the functions for the first time, a subscription must be created to enable Strava webhooks, a subscription can be created with the following command:
curl -X POST https://www.strava.com/api/v3/push_subscriptions \
-F client_id=CID_HERE \
-F client_secret=SECRET_HERE \
-F 'callback_url=CALLBACK_URL_HERE' \
-F 'verify_token=TOKEN_HERE'
:warning: Please, replace CID_HERE
with your Strava App Client ID and SECRET_HERE
with your Strava App Client Secret. You can find your Strava Client ID and Client Secret pair in your Strava Dashboard under My API Application
. Then, generate a random verification token and replace TOKEN_HERE
with the randomly generate verification token. Finally, replace CALLBACK_URL_HERE
with your Webhook URL, this must be the URL that handles Strava webhook events (i.e. /webhook cloud function).
Cloud functions can be tested using a local deployment using the firebase-app/functions/package.json
. But we first need to configure the local emulator's configuration with the following commands:
cd firebase-app/functions
firebase functions:config:get > .runtimeconfig.json
cd ../..
Serving the cloud functions locally works by executing the following command from the root directory of the project:
npm run serve
This will deploy the cloud functions at the following URL: http://localhost:5000/health-to-earn/us-central1/webhook
Cloud functions can be deployed to Firebase using the following command:
firebase deploy --only firestore:rules
firebase deploy --only functions
firebase deploy --only hosting
Alternatively, you can also deploy individual functions using - i.e. to deploy the cloud function status
, you would execute the command: firebase deploy --only functions:status
:warning: Note that after you deployed the functions, you may have to update the [environment][#environment] configuration again and replace OAUTH_URL
with the /authorize function URL, replace SUBSCRIBE_URL_HERE
with the /subscribe function URL and replace CALLBACK_URL_HERE
with the /webhook function URL.
:warning: You must also update the security rules in Firestore such that it contains the content of firebase-app/.rules
. This file opens reading operations to the public and writing operations are restricted to authenticated users. Deployment can be done with firebase deploy --only firestore:rules
Webhook Endpoint
Testing a newly deployed webhook event handler can be done with the below command. Please, note that this is using a test account for which the linked dHealth Account is a test account. The payout scheduler will/must never actually send funds to this address.
curl -X POST https://us-central1-health-to-earn.cloudfunctions.net/webhook \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"aspect_type": "create",
"event_time": 1549560669,
"object_id": 6207413503,
"object_type": "activity",
"owner_id": YOUR_STRAVA_ID,
"subscription_id": YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_ID
Copyright 2021-present Grégory Saive for dHealth Network, All rights reserved.
Licensed under the LGPL v3.0