JavaScript library used to collect and generate reports on historical transactions across multiple EVM chains for Defi Kingdoms.
Transaction History Report Generator
JavaScript library used to collect and generate reports on historical transactions across multiple EVM chains for Defi Kingdoms.
About the Project
This library serves as a package that can be used to collect transaction histories of users and contracts, and generate a report in various formats. The bounty for this project provides more detailed information about its uses.
Getting started
Install the package into your project
npm install --save @dfk-tools/transaction-history-report-generator
Generating reports
import { Generator } from '@dfk-tools/transaction-history-report-generator';
// Create a new instance of the report generator with default settings
const generator = new Generator();
// Generate a report for a player for all time, including all DFK interactions
const playerReport = await generator.report('[PLAYER ADDRESS]');
// Generate a report for a player, including transactions starting after a certain date
const startDate = new Date('2021-12-13');
const contractSince2021Dec13Report = await generator.report('[PLAYER ADDRESS]', {
start: startDate
// Generate a report for a player for all time, including only hero purchase transactions
const playerHeroPurchasesReport = await generator.report('[PLAYER ADDRESS]', {
contract: contracts.Hero
import { resolve } from 'path';
// ...
// Save a report to a path with default options
const savePath = resolve(__dirname, './reports');
await report.exportAsCsv(savePath);
Accessing report data
// ...
const transactions = report.transactions;