The solution for notifications in a LDP environment.
Solid notifications
The solution for notifications in a LDP environment.
This library can be installed using the following command:
npm install @dexagod/ldn-agent
If the command line interface is required, it must be installed globally:
npm install -g @dexagod/ldn-agent
In case the library is installed globally:
solid-notifications [options] <command>
The CLI interface can also be used through node:
node bin/solid-notifications.js [options] <command>
const NotificationAgent = require('@dexagod/ldn-agent')
A configuration object can be passed to the agent on creation. The options in this configuration object can be overwritten by overwriting the options in the parameters for specific commands.
On the CLI, the configuration file can be passed with a -c
solid-notifications -c config.json <command>
const NotificationAgent = require('@dexagod/ldn-agent')
const config = {...}
const agent = new NotificationAgent(config)
Configuration options
auth?: any, // Only for javascript! A custom auth object can be passed.
username?: string, // Solid username. Used for authentication in node.
password?: string, // Solid password. Used for authentication in node.
idp?: string, // Solid Identity Provider. Used for authentication in node and browser.
popup?: string, // The URL of the login popup. Used for authentication in browser.
sender?: string, // The default sender added to notifications.
format?: string, // The format of all output data. Must be an RDF format.
verbose?: boolean, // Write logs to command line.
Commands requiring the client to retrieve data from the inbox, may require the client to authenticate. Authentication is done using solid-auth-cli in Node, and using solid-auth-client in the browser.
The login information can be passed using the configuration file, or using the relevant option flags. Authentication will automatically be attempted for commands requiring authentication.
The login information can be passed using the configuration file, or in the options of the login function.
const NotificationAgent = require('@dexagod/ldn-agent')
const agent = new NotificationAgent(config)
// Node && Browser
const options = { username, password, idp }
await agent.login(options)
// Browser
// uri is the URI of the popup.
// Now the user is authenticated, and we can call functions requiring authentication.
// In browser environments, authentication can be easily handled by passing a custom auth object that is already authenticated.
// Else, The authentication control flow should not be awaited, but be handled using a better async approach (e.g. useEffect in React).
The used functions in the background are:
loginPopup(uri) - browser
Sending notifications
solid-notifications [options] send [send-options] <receiver> <notification>
const agent = require('@dexagod/ldn-agent')
const options = {...}
notification?: any, // A Notification string
notification_file?: any, // A Notification file
from: string[], // Senders of the notification
to: string[], // Receivers of the notification
cc?: string[], // CC contacts
bcc?: string[], // BCC contacts
contentType: string, // Content Type of the notification. In the case of text/plain, the notification is as the content string of a notification (This does not work in the case of a notification file).
contentTypeOutput: string, // Content Type of the posted notification
The CLI interface handles the passed notification as a file if the -f
flag is passed.
All the option flags can be found here:
solid-notifications send --help
Fetching inbox
If no url is given, it will default to the inbox of the currently authenticated user. An iterator is returned containing the notifications present in the inbox. In the case watch mode is set on the CLI, or the watch function is called in javascript, the inbox will be continuously monitored by the agent using a polling or websocket approach for new notifications. In javascript, this will return an asynciterator.
solid-notifications [options] list [list-options] [url]
const agent = require('@dexagod/ldn-agent')
const options = {...}
// One time fetching of all notifications
const iterator = agent.listNotifications(options)
// watching the inbox continuously
const asynciterator = agent.watchNotifications(options)
webId?: string, // The resource of which the inbox is used.
format?: string, // The format in which notifications are emitted
delete?:boolean, // Notifications are deleted after listing
watch?: boolean, // Watch mode (currently only for CLI)
filters?: any[], // SAHCL shape files on which the notifications are evaluated
// Only matching notifications are returned
All the CLI option flags can be found here:
solid-notifications list --help
Clearing inbox
If no url is given, it will default to the inbox of the currently authenticated user.
solid-notifications [options] clear [clear-options] [url]
const agent = require('@dexagod/ldn-agent')
const options = { ...}
webId?: string, // The resource of which the inbox is used.
All the CLI option flags can be found here:
solid-notifications clear --help