A MERN Stack Starter pack including JWT Auth , ShadCN UI , TailwindCSS , File Structuring etc.
Hi there! 👋 I'm Parth, and I've developed CREATE-MERN-JS to streamline your MERN stack development. This package eliminates the repetitive setup process, allowing you to focus on building amazing applications. It’s packed with essential tools and a robust structure, making it perfect for hackathons, rapid prototyping, or any MERN project!
Features ✨
- React JS for building interactive user interfaces
- Express JS for creating robust backend APIs
- Mongoose for elegant MongoDB object modeling
- Node JS for scalable network applications
- JWT Auth for secure authentication
- Tailwind CSS for utility-first CSS styling
- ShadCN UI & Themes for beautiful, customizable components
- Hover.dev for Interactive UI/UX
- React Router for dynamic routing
- Framer Motion for smooth animations
- JOI for data validation
- DotEnv for environment variables management
- Bcrypt for hashing passwords
- Nodemon for automatically restarting the server
File Structure 🗂️
The project comes with a well-organized file structure, separating the client and server codebases to ensure scalability and maintainability.
Installation Guide 🚀
Follow these steps to get started with your new MERN application:
- Create Your App:
npx @devwizz/create-mern-js my-app-name
- Install Packages in Client Directory:
cd client && npm install
- Install Packages in Server Directory:
cd server && npm install
- create .env file in Server Directory:
PORT=3000 MONGO_URI="mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>.focvrms.mongodb.net/db-name" SECRET="thisisasamplesecretpleasecreateyourownnewsecretforthisapp"
- Start by running following commands in Client & Server:
npm run dev
Contributing 🤝
This project is open-source and welcomes contributions. Feel free to visit parthkapoor-dev/create-mern-js to add new features or resolve existing issues. Let's make MERN development effortless together!