Devlander's team utilizes this package during the development of their React Native projects. Its primary purpose is to facilitate code reuse by sharing types across multiple projects that uses the styled-components library.
Devlander's Shared React Native Types
Devlander's team utilizes this package during the development of their React Native projects. Its primary purpose is to facilitate code reuse by sharing types across multiple projects that uses the styled-components library.
- Promote consistency across styled components, design systems, and apps by leveraging shared utilities and types, eliminating the need to retype static types in each project.
- Enable type sharing between React Native and React.
- Facilitate utility sharing between React Native and React.
Styled Components: Colors and Functions
All theme colors and utilities are centralized in Devlander React Native Shared Types. Within this package, we provide several built-in functions:
- getStyleForTextProps: Converts CSS with custom props and units.
- getStyleForContainerProps: Manages predefined CSS properties and units.
- handleGhost: Takes two colors and swaps them to generate ghost buttons.
- getStyleForImageProps: Simplifies image styling.
- unitPropsHandler: Handles units, whether expressed as strings or numbers, and appends appropriate metrics.
- handleFontSizeProps: Provides responsive design flexibility by defining fontSize and maxFontSize for text elements.
- deviceOnTheme: Reflects the current device's dimensions. This is essential when adapting UI elements based on device size. This attribute is updated within the ThemeProvider.
Working with Colors
Throughout this project, you'll frequently encounter the ColorFromTheme type. Most styled components won't accept just any "color" prop with a hex value. The color input should be either a key from the ColorsInterface or a valid hex code present within the designated dark or light theme color set. While there are default colors within the theme, you have the flexibility to customize them during your theme initialization in styled.d.ts
Using Yarn
yarn add @devlander/shared-react-native-types
Or npm
npm install @devlander/shared-react-native-types
Initialize the theme
For traditional react
// theme.tsx
import { createThemeForWeb } from "@devlander/shared-react-native-types";
import { fontOptions } from "./fonts";
export const theme = createThemeForWeb();
For React Native
import { createThemeForNative } from "@devlander/shared-react-native-types";
import { fontOptions } from "./fonts";
export const theme = createThemeForNative();
You can update the colors and font preferences by passing in a custom ColorsInterface, or FontInterface as well as updating the theme.
// theme.tsx
import {
} from "@devlander/shared-react-native-types";
import { fontOptions } from "./fonts";
const lightTheme: ColorsInterface = {
// customize your colors here
const fontOptions: FontInterface = {
// customize fonts here
const deviceOnTheme: DeviceOnTheme = {
screenWidth: 0,
statusBarHeight: 0,
screenHeight: 0,
isTablet: false,
hasNotch: false,
hasDynamicIsland: false,
platform: "ios",
export const themeForWeb = createThemeForWeb({
colorPreferences: lightTheme,
fontPreferences: fontOptions,
export const themeForNative = createThemeForNative({
colorPreferences: lightTheme,
fontPreferences: fontOptions,
Import the type of theme to your styled.d.ts file
What it would like if you were doing it for traditional React
// this needs to be a typescript definition file
// example styled.d.ts
import "styled-components";
import { themeForWeb } from "../src/theme.tsx";
declare module "styled-components" {
export type DefaultTheme = typeof themeForWeb;
What it would like if you were doing it for React Native
// this needs to be a typescript definition file
// example styled.d.ts
import "styled-components/native";
import { themeForNative } from "../somefile";
declare module "styled-components/native" {
export type DefaultTheme = typeof themeForNative;
Create your Theme Provider using styled components
The reason we have to define the theme provider outside of this package, is there was no good way to swap between styled-components web theme provider, and the native one.
import React, {
} from "react";
import { ThemeProvider } from "styled-components/native";
import useScreenDimensions from "../../hooks/useScreenDimensions";
import { theme, darkTheme, lightTheme } from "./theme";
// ----- Types -----
// Define the shape of the Theme context and the type for the Provider's props.
interface ThemeContextType {
darkThemeEnabled: boolean;
canToggleTheme: boolean;
setDarkThemeEnabled: (value: boolean) => void;
toggleLightDarkMode: () => void;
interface ThemeProviderProps {
systemIsDark?: boolean;
getValueFromStorage?: (key: string) => Promise<boolean>;
saveToStorage?: (key: string, value: boolean) => Promise<void>;
children: React.ReactNode;
// ----- Context -----
// Default values for the context
const defaultThemeContext: ThemeContextType = {
darkThemeEnabled: true,
canToggleTheme: false,
setDarkThemeEnabled: () => {},
toggleLightDarkMode: () => {},
// Creation of the context
const ColorThemeContext = React.createContext<ThemeContextType>(defaultThemeContext);
// ----- Component -----
const ColorThemeProvider: React.FC<ThemeProviderProps> = (props) => {
const { children, saveToStorage, getValueFromStorage, systemIsDark } = props;
// Obtain screen dimensions using a custom hook
const screenSize = useScreenDimensions();
// State to keep track of whether dark theme is enabled
const [darkThemeEnabled, setDarkThemeEnabled] = useState(true);
// Toggle between light and dark theme
const toggleLightDarkMode = useCallback(async () => {
const newValue = !darkThemeEnabled;
if (saveToStorage) await saveToStorage("darkThemeEnabled", newValue);
}, [darkThemeEnabled, saveToStorage]);
// On component mount, initialize theme based on the stored value or system preference
useEffect(() => {
const initialize = async () => {
if (getValueFromStorage) {
const storedValue = await getValueFromStorage("darkThemeEnabled");
if (systemIsDark && !getValueFromStorage) {
}, [getValueFromStorage]);
// Prepare values for context provider
const valuePayload = useMemo(() => {
const baseTheme = {
canToggleTheme: Boolean(saveToStorage && getValueFromStorage),
return darkThemeEnabled
? { ...baseTheme, colors: darkTheme }
: { ...baseTheme, colors: lightTheme };
}, [
// Merge default colors with theme colors
const styledComponentsTheme = useMemo(() => {
const mergedColors = darkThemeEnabled
? { ...theme.colors, ...darkTheme }
: { ...theme.colors, ...lightTheme };
return {
mode: "adaptive",
colors: mergedColors,
deviceOnTheme: {
isDesktop: screenSize.width > 768,
isTablet: screenSize.width > 480 && screenSize.width <= 768,
isMobile: screenSize.width <= 480,
screenWidth: screenSize.width,
screenHeight: screenSize.height,
}, [darkThemeEnabled, screenSize]);
return (
<ColorThemeContext.Provider value={valuePayload}>
<ThemeProvider theme={styledComponentsTheme}>{children}</ThemeProvider>
// ----- Custom Hook -----
// A hook to easily access the Theme context in any component
const useColorThemeContext = (): ThemeContextType => {
return useContext(ColorThemeContext);
// ----- Exports -----
export { ColorThemeContext, ColorThemeProvider, useColorThemeContext };
export default ColorThemeProvider;
Then wrap your app inside of it
import React from 'react'
import ThemeProvider from './theme-provider'
const App = () => {
Creating the dark colors palette Dynamically
import { generateColorsFrom } from "@devlander/shared-react-native-types";
import type {ColorsInterface} from "@devlander/shared-react-native-types"
// This is what you would use
const darkColors: ColorsInterface = generateColorsFrom(lightColors, 'dark');
To do
- [] run auto format imports with eslint automatically
Who this package is not for.
- This package is not for people that are only using styled components on web, and don't plan on using it with React Native
The purpose of this package is to ensure that the props and types for design systems created for both web and react native projects have the same color names, the same props, the same type of theme structure when it comes to color types, font pairings, and so it. it's to keep everything cohesive between development teams.
and there can be a standard wehn starting new projects for clients, or within the company, and there's one source of truth.
it's also meant to elminate retyping unnessary types over and over again using styled components, because if you are using styled components and typescript it can get time consuimg. and to provide the same theme provider for both web and react native applications
This package also has built in methods to take care of responsive font sizes,and has methods within the theme to help convert units so things to break during production.