Directus extension for viewing collections in timeline format
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Directus Extension Timeline
This project implements the Timeline Devix - a timeline of events - in different viewing modes (Layout Options) of Directus Collections.
- Timeline (layout)
- Multi-timeline (layout)
- 🛠 How to use
- 🚀 Upcoming updates
🍎 Timeline
When selecting the Timeline layout in the "Layout Options" menu, some fields will appear to indicate which content the Timeline will receive. Of these, some are essential for the proper functioning of the Timeline. Are they:
- Title - string.
- Expected date and Completion date - which only accepts Date() format with date and time;
- Status - Only accepts registered fields as "select-dropdown" - which so far is prepared for specific data:
'planned' | 'completed' | 'canceled' | 'postponed' | 'delayed' | 'early';
Non-essentials field, but with specific characteristics:
- Criticality - Only accepts registered fields as "select-dropdown" - which so far is prepared for specific data:
'high' | 'medium' | 'low';
- The category field currently only accepts the icon type (select-icon).
🍒 Multi-timeline
The Multi-timeline follows the same filling pattern as the previous one, just with one more field, which is the field responsible for grouping the items and consequently creating multiple timelines on the screen. This area only accepts fields of the type 'select-dropdown'.
🛠 How to use
Install (marketplace)
From directus version 10.10, just go to settings -> marketplace
and search for timeline
Install (npm)
npm i @devix-tecnologia/directus-extension-timeline
🚀 Upcoming updates
- Create default Category according to the Timeline Devix documentation, a specific Collection for Categories and relate it to the collections in which you intend to use the Timeline;
- Create Timeline interface;
- Implement optional automatic scrolling (feature in this and in the Timeline Devix component);
- Allow inclusion of other Status (feature in the Timeline Devix component);
- Make Timeline Devix completely reactive, solving the paginate in Directus and data loading in real time (feature in the Timeline Devix component);