Create projects and exercise boilerplate for the Developers Institute
Project / Exercise Yeoman Generator
Automate generation of Developer Institute projects and exercises.
NOTE! This is currently a proof of concept, but use it and test it, and update it.
Using the generator
To run this generator:
Create a new folder for your exercise or project
In your terminal, navigate inside the folder
Type the following in your terminal:
npm init yo @developers-institute/di-project
Follow the prompts to create your project
Gotcha: do not use hyphens in the project/esercise title.
Specifying learning outcomes
The generator accepts a list of learning outcomes as a string, seperated by a comma.
For projects that have learning outcomes worth more than one credit, you need to repeat that learning outcome in the list that amount times.
For example, if my project has learning outcome 1, that is worth two credits, I would specify it like this: 1,1
Running for local development
Configure Yeoman and the generator
- Install yeoman:
npm install -g yo
git clone
this repository- Open this repository in your command line
- Type:
npm link
You now have the generator installed.
Run the generator locally
- Create and clone an empty GitHub respository
- Open the repo in your command line
- Type
yo @developers-institute/di-project
, and follow the prompts
Releasing a new version
There is no automated process for releasing. A manual release to npm is required.
Recommended: Use np to release a new version.
Not working? Hit up Lance!