dev-pack is a super-fast local development module bundler, server with hot module replacement
Super-fast local development module bundler, server with hot module replacement.
⚠️ IMPORTANT: Don't use it in production!
Isn't needed to be installed. Please, read below the "How to use" section.
npm install --save-dev @dev-pack/dev-pack
yarn add --dev @dev-pack/dev-pack
How to use
You have to run the command npx @dev-pack/dev-pack start
, and use the options that you need, to have a really fast dev server with hmr running.
Optionally you can use a config file, by default called .devpackrc.json.
dev-pack will look in the load at the input folder for a index.html, a styles.css (not-required), and index.js/ts/tsx.
When watch is set to true, it's default value, it will listen for changes to styles.css and any *.js file in the input folder.
Using devpackrc.json
"externals": ["unfetch"],
"globals": {
"react": {
"cdn": "https://unpkg.com/react@16/umd/react.development.js",
"window": "React"
"react-dom": {
"cdn": "https://unpkg.com/react-dom@16/umd/react-dom.development.js",
"window": "ReactDOM"
"html": "public/index.html",
"input": "src",
"js": "src/index.tsx",
"proxy": "http://localhost:8080"
Using CLI
-c, --config
Configuration file.
Default: .devpackrc.json
-w, --watch
Comma-separate list of directories and/or files to watch
Default: true
-s, --socket
Specify a WebSocket port.
Default: 1235
-e, --external
Comma-separate, without spaces, list of module IDs to include. Example: react,react-dom
Default: none.
-x, --exclude
Comma-separate list of directories to exclude.
Default: node_modules
-i, --input
Entry folder.
Default: example
-h, --html
Entry html file.
Default: src/index.html
-j, --js
Entry JS or TS file.
Default: src/index.js
-y, --css
Entry CSS file.
Default: src/styles.css
-g, --globals
Global variables. '{"moduleID": {"window": "GlobalVariable", "cdn": "https://cdn.com"}}'
Default: none
-p, --port
Specify a port.
Default: 1234
-x, --proxy
Specify a proxy.
Default: none
Run cli example
node src/cli.js start -i example -j example/index.js
Compatible Versioning
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR, increment the:
- MAJOR version when you make backwards-incompatible updates of any kind
- MINOR version when you make 100% backwards-compatible updates
Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR format.
First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! Now, take a moment to be sure your contributions make sense to everyone else.
Reporting Issues
Found a problem? Want a new feature? First of all, see if your issue or idea has already been reported. If it hasn't, just open a new clear and descriptive issue.
Commit message conventions
We are following AngularJS Git Commit Message Conventions. This leads to more readable messages that are easy to follow when looking through the project history.
Submitting pull requests
Pull requests are the greatest contributions, so be sure they are focused in scope and do avoid unrelated commits.
- Fork it!
- Clone your fork:
git clone http://git.trivago.trv/<your-username>/react-form-core
- Navigate to the newly cloned directory:
cd react-form-core
- Create a new branch for the new feature:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Install the tools necessary for development:
npm install
- Make your changes.
npm run build
to verify your change doesn't increase output size.npm test
to make sure your change doesn't break anything.- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request with full remarks documenting your changes.