A package to handle light and dark mode and can extend even more...
Theme Manager
The Theme Manager plugin allows you to easily manage and switch between different themes in your web application.
To use this plugin, you need to install it via pnpm, npm or yarn.
Using pnpm
pnpm add @designbycode/theme-manager
Using npm
npm install @designbycode/theme-manager
Using yarn
yarn add @designbycode/theme-manager
Getting Started
To use the Theme Manager plugin, simply create a new instance of the ThemeManager class and pass in an optional array of additional theme values to support:
const themeManager = new ThemeManager();
Initializing the Plugin
To initialize the plugin and set up event listeners, call the initButtons() method:
This will set up event listeners on all elements with a data-theme-name attribute.
Changing the Theme
To extend the theme list, add an array of names.
const themeManager = new ThemeManager(['sepia', 'grayscale']);
Using the Plugin
Using multiple buttons
Here is an example of how to use the plugin in your web application:
<button data-theme-name="dark">Dark Theme</button>
<button data-theme-name="light">Light Theme</button>
<button data-theme-name="system">System Theme</button>
const themeManager = new ThemeManager()
In this example, the plugin will set up event listeners on the three buttons and update the theme class on the document.documentElement element when a button is clicked.
Using a single buttons (Toggle)
if you require only a single button to toggle the theme, you can use the following snippet.
<button data-theme-toggle>System Theme</button>
const themeManager = new ThemeManager()
Getter and Setter
You can access and set the theme by using the getter and setter.
const themeManager = new ThemeManager()
themeManager.currentTheme // output 'dark'
const themeManager = new ThemeManager()
document.getElementById('button')!.addEventListener('click', () => {
themeManager.currentTheme = 'sepia'
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Contributions to this plugin are welcome! If you encounter any issues, have feature requests, or want to improve the plugin, feel free to create a pull request or submit an issue in the GitHub repository.