Official library for the DeRxJS Pattern
Because your state management code should be domain-agnostic.
npm i @derxjs/view-model
import { DeRxJSViewModel } from '@derxjs/view-model';
import { merge, Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { map, scan, startWith } from 'rxjs/operators';
export const listViewModel$: DeRxJSViewModel<
> = ({ push$, pop$, initialValue }) => {
return merge(
push$.pipe(map((item) => ({ type: 'push', item }))),
pop$.pipe(map(() => ({ type: 'pop' })))
).pipe(scan(reducer, initialValue), startWith(initialValue));
interface ListViewModelInputs {
push$: Observable<string>;
pop$: Observable<void>;
initialValue: string[];
type ListViewModel = string[];
type Action = { type: 'push'; item: string } | { type: 'pop' };
function reducer(state: ListViewModel, action: Action): ListViewModel {
switch (action.type) {
case 'push': {
return [...state, action.item];
case 'pop': {
const newState = [...state];
return newState;
See it in action:
Why @derxjs
Domain-agnostic state-management
Your state management code should not depend on which framework or tools your project happens to be using at the time.
is all about first-principles thinking and problem-solving. The pattern enforced by this package requires you to break down the your system - regardless of scope - to some set of inputs, (preferably represented as RxJS Observables!), and expose a single Observable of your ViewModel as an output.
Future packages on the roadmap will provide utilities for implementing this pattern (@derxjs/reducer
👀), as well as ultilities for plugging this pattern into popular front-end frameworks (@derxjs/react
Separation of concerns
We solved this a long time ago. Programming to interfaces allows us to put a joint in our wrokflows that allows for parallel work to be completed by multiple developers, and lets your team play to their strengths.
This allows for easy transitions into other implementations, frameworks, as well as implementing the facade, adapter, and proxy patterns from the Gang of Four.
Complimentary to all existing state-management libraries
We're not here to take a shot at the king (👑👀) - we're just here to help out where we can!
The @derxjs/view-model
package is designed to work with with any other state management frameworks that can expose state or events as an Observable, making it a great compliment to any and all existing code in your codebase.
Future-Proof Code
Domain-agnostic first-principles-based code will never go out of style 🌲.
As long as JavaScript is the language of the web, your state-management code will be valid.
Go ahead, change to that trendy new framework. Your @derxjs code will still work just fine :).
Simplicity && Elegence
The DeRxJSViewModel
type is the E = mc^2
of state management.
Deceptively simple, but elegant enough to encompass any && all of your state management requirements.
TDD made awesome with timeline testing
Embrace TDD, using timeline testing to test your code with a whole new dimension of precision.
On the roadmap for @derxjs
is a timeline test generation GUI tool that will take your Typescript interface code, and allow you to "draw" hypothetical timelines of events from your inputs - specifying what the output timeline for each hypothetical should look like.
This tool will generate .spec.ts
files that you can paste directly into your repos for easy TDD, and coding the way we were meant to.
@derxjs Roadmap
- @derxjs/view-model package ✅
- Article on TDD and implementing DeRxJS View Models ✅
- Article on using DeRxJS View Models in different Frameworks ✅
- @derxjs/reducer package (TBD; beta available now) 🚧
- @derxjs/react package (TBD; beta available now) 🚧
- Timeline Test Code Generation Tool (TBD)
- @derxjs/selector package (TBD)
- Ai-Driven DeRxJS Code Generation (TBD)