The analytics package contains all the utility functions used for tracking user events and sending them to the respective platform such as Rudderstack.
The analytics package contains all the utility functions used for tracking user events and sending them to the respective platform such as Rudderstack and GrowthBook.
In this document
What is Analytics?
Cross-project, connected user tracking events with A/B testing features
To install the package, run the following command:
$ npm i @deriv/analytics
To proper initialisation of the package, pass proper keys in special function in special for init functions place:
growthbookKey: process.env.GROWTHBOOK_CLIENT_KEY, // optional key to enable A/B tests
growthbookDecryptionKey: process.env.GROWTHBOOK_DECRYPTION_KEY, // optional key to enable A/B tests
// mandatory key to enable userevent tracking
rudderstackKey: RUDDERSTACK_KEY,
To make good strategy for A/B testing we need to create some condition depends on data:
user_language: getLanguage(),
device_language: navigator?.language,
country: this.country,
And you finally can use the tracking events and A/B testing features
To start using it, let's observe on SDK usage examples:
import { Analytics } from '@deriv/analytics';
// Tracking features:
Analytics?.identifyEvent() // inentify the user
Analytics?.pageView() // track that page is showed for user
const user_id = Analytics?.getId() // get an user anon or real id
// Track Event
Analytics?.trackEvent('ce_virtual_signup_form', {
action: 'open',
form_name: 'default_diel_deriv',
form_source: document?.referrer,
signup_provider: 'email',
// the same as example below, to not to add repetable properties again and again
const analyticsData: Parameters<typeof Analytics.trackEvent>[1] = {
form_name: 'default_diel_deriv',
Analytics?.trackEvent('ce_virtual_signup_form', {
action: 'open',
signup_provider: 'email',
Analytics?.trackEvent('ce_virtual_signup_form', {
action: 'close',
signup_provider: 'google',
// A/B testing features
const test_toggle_aa_test = Analytics?.getFeatureState('test-toggle-aa-test') // returns value of experiment
const common_test = Analytics?.getFeatureValue('common-test', 'fallback') // returns feature flag's boolen
If you need to get entire instance directly:
const { ab, tracking } = Analytics?.getInstances()
If you want to check your ID