A collection of Fintech-specific and general-purpose validators, designed to extend popular validation libraries like Vuelidate, Zod, and yup.
Deposits Validators
This repository contains a list of validators that are relevant to the Fintech space. It provides a bunch of sector-specific validators as well as other validators that don't normally come out of the box in libraries like Vuelidate, Zod and yup.
All validators in this library are pure functions that return Boolean values so they can be used to extend your favorite validation library out of the box.
To install the validators, simply run the following command in your project directory:
npm install @deposits/validators
Basic Usage
Since the package exports pure functions that return Booelan values, you just need to import the validator you need and use it as is or plug it into a validation library.
import { email } from "@deposits/validators";
Usage with Vuelidate
<script setup>
import { email } from "@deposits/validators";
import { helpers, required } from "@vuelidate/validators";
import { useVuelidate } from "@vuelidate/core";
import { reactive } from "vue";
const payload = reactive({
email: "",
password: "",
const rules = {
email: {
required: helpers.withMessage("Email is required", required),
email: helpers.withMessage("Please enter a valid email", email),
password: {
required: helpers.withMessage("Password is required", required),
const v$ = useVuelidate(rules, payload, { $stopPropagation: true });
const submit = () => {
if (!v$.value.$error) {
// Submit
Usage with yup
import { routingNumber, accountNumber } from "@deposits/validators";
import { object, string } from "yup";
const schema = object().shape({
accountNumber: string()
.required("Please enter account number")
.test("account-number", "Enter a valid account number", accountNumber),
routingNumber: string()
.required("Please enter a routing number")
.test("routingNumber", "Enter a valid routing number", routingNumber),
Available Validation Rules
The following validators are available in this package:
This checks if the value being validated is a valid US account number. It should be a numeric string consisting of between 4-17 digits.
This checks if the value being validated is a valid credit card number. It should be a numeric string consisting of between 13-19 digits and should pass the Luhn's checksum algorithm as well as prefix and suffix checks for different card providers.
This checks if the value being validated is a valid EIN. It expects a numeric string in the format XX-XXXXXXX
This checks if the value being validated is a valid email address.
This checks if the value being validated is a valid Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). It expects a numeric string in the format 9XX-XX-XXXX.
This checks if the value being validated is a valid North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code.
This checks if the value being validated is a valid name. It expects a string with a length between 2 and 40 characters.
This checks that the value being validated is a single word. It expects a string with at least one character and no spaces.
This validates if the value being validate is a valid passport number. It expects a string with a length between 6 and 9 characters.
This checks if the value being validated is a valid US routing number. It should be a numeric string consisting of 9 digits and passes the ABA checksum algorithm.
This checks if the value being validated is a valid Social Security Number (SSN). It expects a numeric string in the format XXX-XX-XXXX.
This checks if the value being validated is a "strong" password. It expects a string that is at least 8 characters in length and contains at least one of a lower case letter, upper case letter, number and special character.
This checks if the value being validated is a valid SWIFT code. It should be an alphanumeric string consisting of 8 or 11 characters.
This checks if the value being validated is a valid suffix. It expects a string with a length between 2 and 10 characters.
This checks if the value being validated is a zip code. It should be a numeric string with a length of 5 characters.