Provides a cluster master controller, generally used in the Engine and Paxlets.
Cluster Master
Install the package normally using NPM or Yarn.
yarn add @depax/cluster-master
An entry point callback is provided which would define the initialization of the applications master and worker instances.
import EntryPoint, { Builds } from "@depax/cluster-master";
EntryPoint("TheNameOfYourApplicationProcess", {
// The options to pass to the worker and cluster controllers.
build: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? Builds.Live : Builds.Dev,
}, async (config, logger) => {
// Initialize the worker, here you would create an instance of your application.
const MyApp = require("./MyApp").default;
await (new MyApp()).initialize();
}, async (config) => {
// initialize the master, here we can provide the master logger which will recieve all the workers logs using @depax/logger.
const logger = new ConsoleLogger("master");
return logger;
The EntryPoint second argument is some options for managing the workers and master, the following is the default options;
/** The title of the main process. */
title: string = "";
/** The build type. */
build: Builds = process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? Builds.Live : Builds.Dev;
/** The maximum number of forks. */
maxForks: number = os.cpus().length;
/** Set to true to use only master if in dev mode. */
singleWorkerDev: boolean = true;
/** The delay before a new fork is created during the initialization. */
initializeForkDelay: number = 0;
/** The number of attempts we can respawn workers and fails, this will be multiplied by the max forks. */
respawnAttempts: number = 5;
/** The amount of time in ms before the attempts are cleared. */
respawnAttemptsInterval: number = 1000;