Generate a React app for vets-website
Yeoman generator for applications on VA.gov
The generator is already installed as a devDependency
of vets-website
From vets-website
, run npm run new:app
Follow the instructions on screen.
For more details on answering the prompts, the following documentation might be helpful.
- Guide on using this Yeoman generator with example answers for each prompt
- Basic tutorial for creating and modifying a form application
These resources are also provided by the generator at startup.
Making changes
There are two generators: one for general (non-form) apps and one for form apps.
- The latter runs on top of the former if certain prompts are answered to generate a form app.
- Each generator has its own set of templates from which it generates files in the app structure.
For specifics on writing a generator, refer to the official Yeoman documentation.
Testing changes
Make your modified generator available as a global module.
From the root of this repo (
):# Create a symlink in your global node_modules to this module. npm link
Run your modified generator in your local
.From the root of
:# Point vets-website's local generator to your newly linked global module. npm link @department-of-veterans-affairs/generator-vets-website # Start up Yeoman. npx yo # Choose to run generator-vets-website in the Yeoman prompt.
Due to the link, any further changes to the generator will automatically be included when you run it within your local
repo.When you're done testing your changes, clean up the links:
# From the root of vets-website: npm unlink --no-save @department-of-veterans-affairs/generator-vets-website # From the root of generator-vets-website: npm unlink