Create ISDOC - Czechia's standard invoice format for data exchange
ISDOC Node.js library
ISDOC is an XML Invoicing Standard for the Czech Republic
This library provides Node.js API for parsing, modifying or creating ISDOC invoices. It validates ISDOC invoices agains XSD definition. It also provides partial support for typescript definitions for ISDOC invoices.
Currently supported ISDOC version is 6.0.2.
Default version of created invoices is downgraded to 6.0.1, due to the
lack of support for current version by the official ISDOC Reader.
For parsing ISDOC from or attaching it to a PDF, see isdoc-pdf.
npm i @deltazero/isdoc
Parsing existing invoice files
import Invoice from '@deltazero/isdoc'
const file = await fs.readFile('invoice.isdoc')
const invoice = new Invoice(file) // Buffer|string
// string <Invoice xmlns="http://isdoc.cz/namespace/2013" version="6.0.1"><DocumentType>1</DocumentType>...</Invoice>
// string { "DocumentType": 1, "ID": "2022123456", IssueDate: "2022-09-11", ... }
// Invoice { DocumentType: number, ID: string, IssueDate: Date, ... }
// number 121
Creating new invoices
import Invoice from '@deltazero/isdoc'
const invoice = new Invoice({
DocumentType: 1,
// 1 | 'invoice' Faktura - daňový doklad
// 2 | 'credit note' Opravný daňový doklad (dobropis)
// 3 | 'debit note' Opravný daňový doklad (vrubopis)
// 4 | 'proforma invoice' Zálohová faktura (nedaňový zálohový list)
// 5 | 'advance invoice' Daňový doklad při přijetí platby (daňový zálohový list)
// 6 | 'advance credit note' Opravný daňový doklad při přijetí platby (dobropis DZL)
// 7 | 'simplified' Zjednodušený daňový doklad
ID: '2022123456',
IssuingSystem: 'node-isdoc',
IssueDate: new Date(),
TaxPointDate: new Date(),
VATApplicable: true,
AccountingSupplierParty: {
Party: {
PartyIdentification: { ID: '12345678' },
PartyName: { Name: 'Test s.r.o.' },
PostalAddress: {
StreetName: 'Dodavatelská',
BuildingNumber: '1',
CityName: 'Dodavatelov',
PostalZone: '12345',
Country: { IdentificationCode: 'CZ', Name: '' }
PartyTaxScheme: {
CompanyID: 'CZ12345678',
TaxScheme: 'VAT'
Contact: {
Telephone: '222111000',
ElectronicMail: '[email protected]'
AccountingCustomerParty: {
Party: {
PartyIdentification: { ID: '12345678' },
PartyName: { Name: 'Test s.r.o.' },
PostalAddress: {
StreetName: 'Dodavatelská',
BuildingNumber: '1',
CityName: 'Dodavatelov',
PostalZone: '12345',
Country: { IdentificationCode: 'CZ', Name: '' }
PartyTaxScheme: {
CompanyID: 'CZ12345678',
TaxScheme: 'VAT'
Contact: {
Telephone: '222111000',
ElectronicMail: '[email protected]'
InvoiceLines: {
InvoiceLine: [
ID: '10001',
InvoicedQuantity: 1,
LineExtensionAmount: 100,
LineExtensionAmountTaxInclusive: 121,
LineExtensionTaxAmount: 21,
UnitPrice: 100,
UnitPriceTaxInclusive: 121,
ClassifiedTaxCategory: {
Percent: 21,
VATCalculationMethod: 0,
VATApplicable: true
Item: { Description: 'Zboží 10001' }
TaxTotal: {
TaxSubTotal: {
TaxableAmount: 100,
TaxAmount: 21,
TaxInclusiveAmount: 121,
AlreadyClaimedTaxableAmount: 0,
AlreadyClaimedTaxAmount: 0,
AlreadyClaimedTaxInclusiveAmount: 0,
DifferenceTaxableAmount: 100,
DifferenceTaxAmount: 21,
DifferenceTaxInclusiveAmount: 121,
TaxCategory: {
Percent: 21,
VATApplicable: true,
TaxAmount: 21
LegalMonetaryTotal: {
TaxExclusiveAmount: 100,
TaxInclusiveAmount: 121,
AlreadyClaimedTaxExclusiveAmount: 0,
AlreadyClaimedTaxInclusiveAmount: 0,
DifferenceTaxExclusiveAmount: 100,
DifferenceTaxInclusiveAmount: 121,
PayableRoundingAmount: 0,
PaidDepositsAmount: 0,
PayableAmount: 121
PaymentMeans: {
Payment: {
PaidAmount: 121,
PaymentMeansCode: 42,
Details: {
PaymentDueDate: new Date(),
ID: '43-1234567890',
BankCode: '0100',
Name: '',
IBAN: '',
BIC: '',
VariableSymbol: 2022123456,
ConstantSymbol: '',
SpecificSymbol: ''
// string <Invoice xmlns="http://isdoc.cz/namespace/2013" version="6.0.1"><DocumentType>1</DocumentType>...</Invoice>